Friday, May 31, 2019
Fredrick Douglass :: essays research papers
Summary Frederick Douglass was born in Tuckahoe, Maryland, near Hillsborough. Hedoesn&8217t know for sure of his age, he has seen no proof and his master willing not inform him.Most masters prefer for their strivers to stay ignorant. He believes that he was aroundtwenty-seven and twenty-eight when he began writing his narrative - he overheard hismaster say he was roughly seventeen years of age during 1835. His mother, Harriet Bailey,was separated from him when he wasaninfant and she died when he was seven years old.Frederick&8217s father was awhite man who could have been his master tho he never foundout. Education was of utmost importance in his life. He received his first lesson whileliving with Mr. and Mrs. Auld. Sophia Auld, Frederick&8217s "mistress",was very humane tohim and dog-tired time teaching him the A,B, C&8217s. After he mastered this, she assisted him inspelling three and fourletter words. At this point in his lesson Mr. Auld encountered whathis wifewas doing for Frederick and forbid her to continue. He believed that "ifyou give a nigger an inch, he will take an ell" and continuing with "learning would spoil the bestnigger in the world". The masters felt that an ignorant slave formed a choice slave andany beneficial learning would damage the slave and therefore be futile to his master. His next step on the path to success was during his seven years living withMaster Hugh&8217s family. Frederick would make friends with as many white boys as hepossibly could on the street. His new friends would be transform into teachers. Whenhe could, Frederick carried bread on him as a means of trade to the famished kids forknowledge. He would also carry a book anytime he had an errand to run. The errandwould be unblemished quickly, allowing extra study time. When Frederick was working inDurgin and Bailey&8217s ship-y ard he would notice timber marked with various letters. Hesoon discovered how the letters matched the type of wood and the name calling of these letters.Any boy he met that could write he would challenge them to a writing contest. Frederickwould use the letters he recently learned and told the child to challenge that. He thencopied the Italics in Webster&8217s Spelling Book until he knew them well. All this hard workand years of practice gave Frederick the knowledge to write. After his relocation to Mr. Freeland, who was the owner of cardinal slaves, Frederickdevoted his Sundays teaching these two and other slaves how to read.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Adjustment Essay -- essays research papers
My cousin Kara just got married recently. She is rough six years older than I am and has graduated from college and is ready to settle down. She has been planning her get married for almost a year. It took a lot of time and effort to make her wedding mean solar day perfect. Just finding the dress took six months. On the day of the wedding tons of things went wrong but in the end it all worked out and it was beautiful. I got a chance to talk to her and ask her approximately questions about how she felt about everything. She told me that the biggest adjustment she had to make was knowing that she was all grown up. She felt like the real world had finally come along and she was no longer dependent on her parents. That scared her to death. She said that she loved David her fianc more than anything and she knew she was making the right decision, but the fact that she was going to be with him forever took some time to get used to also. Not only did she have to worry about the planning and spending, she was also becoming very emotional about everything as the day drew closer. Her parents are divorced so that made her planning process even more difficult. Each parent gave her a certain meter of money but neither would really get involved in helping her get everything together. She lives in St. Louis and both of her parents live more than a eight-spot hundred miles away from her. So she felt basically on her own from her family. Another major adjust...
Careers In The Military, Audio :: Essays Papers
Careers In The Military, Audio The occupation of an auditory sensation engineer can encompass many different areas of music production. From recording bands in the studio, synchronizing audio to film, sound reinforcement, to even developing the latest technology in the audio field. The possibilities are kind and seemingly endless. It is a field that is constantly changing, and qualifications are always increasing. Many dont realize the commitment, drive, hard work and dedication involved with sightly successful in the field. As well as having the patience and reserve to take the time to get the proper training and gain experience. In audio engineering learning the ropes and basics is the most important part of the job, because they become the foundation of everything that the work in based on. Once one achieves these skills the field of careers easy to them can encompass many different areas of the business and society, including the military. Since the Depar tment of Defense is so huge (and active) these days the job opportunities it provides are broad and many. Are in that respect job opportunities in the Department of Defense for audio engineering? Since there really are no books that go into this topic I took the opportunity to interview a person who is in such a position. I was referred to Master Sergeant Michael E. Riley, an audio engineer for the United States Air Force Band of the Rockies. His titles allow Premier Band Craftsman/Audio and NCOIC/Audio support. MSgt. Riley is a native of Rochester, New York and had been heavily involved in music as a actor (clarinet) since high school. In 1987, he was accepted into SUNY Colleges accredited Sound Recording Technology program and studied under Ros Ritchie. After graduating he worked as a recording engineer and freelance musician. In 1993 he auditioned to be an audio engineer for the Band of the Rockies, after which he was accepted. He chose to make this his career an d is now in his tenth year with the organization. The United States Air Force band of the Rockies consists of nine performing groups, these include a marching band, concert band, the parapet Winds (wood wind quintet), The Falconaires (big band jazz), Solar Winds (clarinet quartet), Stellar Brass (brass quintet with percussion), Blue Steel ((rhythm and blues), and Wild Blue Country (county/blue grass).
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Freud’s Perspective of an Advertisement for Clinique :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Freuds Perspective of an Advertisement for CliniqueAlthough Freuds theories of psychoanalysis tended to deal all in all with dreams, his judgement of the un aware proves to be only when useful in deconstructing popular culture. We eject take, for example, the Clinique advertisement into consideration by viewing the image itself as a public (perhaps collective) and published dream.Freud may non have been particularly interested in the visual features or compostion of the image, yet these components are vital to the translation from conscious to unconscious thoughts.First, we can examine the parry of soap itself, as depicted in the scene. We are at once struck by the grotesque and compulsive zie (certainly unrealistic) of the bar yet it as well as appears insolated - from a consumer, from production, etc. The bar is shown in another (unusual) manner its yellow-green colour portrays a clean and natural product, merely also conveys an immaculate, medicalized one.The bubbles surr ounding the bar also carry stylistic features they appear as perfectly round, firm, gentle and clean (although we can take care a lather/suds, the bubbles remain completely pure in themselves.)Fin all toldy, the pouring water re-iteratres this sense of purity and nature the waterfall-like motion generates feelings of tranquility and harmony. (The text ground in the advertisement supports these sentiments of purity, carlessness allergy tried and true = worry free and nature, and for the purpose of my examination require no further mention.)At this point we are able to guarantee a Freudian analysis of the image. man the components mentioned can be understood as the visual, manifest content, we can attempt to translate their hush-hush, subverted, latent thoughts. According to Freud, all manifest content is subject to optical aberration by the dream-work (the mechanism by which such thoughts are altered, and thus we must decode the image by gainful particular attention to the hi dden elements (the ones that survive our analysis most). If all thoughts are generated in the unconscious, as Freud believes, then we must center our analysis on these hidden or latent components.One can see how, in this Clinique advertisement, Freuds theory of the dream-work is logical both dream-distortion and dream-censorship are evident. An initial psychoanalysis of the image reveals an inherent trust to be wholesome (or moral, as depicted by the rounded bubbles), clean (or moral, as depicted by the medicalized soap) and pure (or moral, as depicted by the clear, natural water). It is my understanding then, that this advertisement appeals to the viewer as a sinner, or flawed individual, and aims to reconcile this deficiency through morality.Freuds Perspective of an Advertisement for Clinique Exploratory Essays Research PapersFreuds Perspective of an Advertisement for CliniqueAlthough Freuds theories of psychoanalysis tended to deal exclusively with dreams, his understanding of the unconscious proves to be entirely useful in deconstructing popular culture. We can take, for example, the Clinique advertisement into consideration by viewing the image itself as a public (perhaps collective) and published dream.Freud may not have been particularly interested in the visual features or compostion of the image, yet these components are vital to the translation from conscious to unconscious thoughts.First, we can examine the bar of soap itself, as depicted in the scene. We are at once struck by the grotesque and commanding zie (certainly unrealistic) of the bar yet it also appears insolated - from a consumer, from production, etc. The bar is shown in another (unusual) manner its yellow-green colour portrays a clean and natural product, but also conveys an immaculate, medicalized one.The bubbles surrounding the bar also carry stylistic features they appear as perfectly round, firm, gentle and clean (although we can see a lather/suds, the bubbles remain completely pure in themselves.)Finally, the pouring water re-iteratres this sense of purity and nature the waterfall-like motion generates feelings of tranquility and harmony. (The text found in the advertisement supports these sentiments of purity, carlessness allergy tested = worry free and nature, and for the purpose of my examination require no further mention.)At this point we are able to undertake a Freudian analysis of the image. While the components mentioned can be understood as the visual, manifest content, we can attempt to translate their hidden, subverted, latent thoughts. According to Freud, all manifest content is subject to distortion by the dream-work (the mechanism by which such thoughts are altered, and thus we must decode the image by paying particular attention to the hidden elements (the ones that resist our analysis most). If all thoughts are generated in the unconscious, as Freud believes, then we must center our analysis on these hidden or latent components.One can se e how, in this Clinique advertisement, Freuds theory of the dream-work is logical both dream-distortion and dream-censorship are evident. An initial psychoanalysis of the image reveals an inherent desire to be wholesome (or moral, as depicted by the rounded bubbles), clean (or moral, as depicted by the medicalized soap) and pure (or moral, as depicted by the clear, natural water). It is my understanding then, that this advertisement appeals to the viewer as a sinner, or flawed individual, and aims to reconcile this deficiency through morality.
Segmentation Concept Essays -- Marketing
Efficient market strategy is rarely aimed at a large group of customers bid all women, all schoolteachers or all beer drinkers, as any of the similar large groups are rather heterogeneous and may vary by age, income, needs, habits and modus vivendi (McIntosh, Matthews, Mullineux, & Medland, 2010). As it is also impossible to reach each customer requirement or expectations, some distinct groups of consumers who will respond to a definite marketing mix in the same or similar way segments are to be identified.Segmentation is a process and result of differentiation of the consumers population to certain groups by number of geographic, demographic, age, economic, social and other characteristics in respect of a particular product (Sarvary, & Elberse, 2005). spheric marketing introduces a better segmentation reading than just the borders between the countries. By rough-and-ready application, segmentation provides global marketers with the opportunity to benefit from global standard ization (like, economies of scale and positioning consistency) and at the same date meet the expectations and demand of the target group. This approach allows assessing the markets on a global or regional scale, overcoming limitations of the political boundaries that are usually used to define the market. by and by identifying the market segments it is necessary to assess their attractiveness by considering segment capacity, accessibility, prospective, profitability, competitiveness, compliance to companys corporate strategy, objectives and culture, etc. Targeting is another essential tool of effective marketing strategy as it is a choice of the segment which best fits the parameters of potential customer of the product and further orientation at this segment b... ...362/146934709X467794 Tamames, R. (2000). demesne Economic and Environmental Order. United Nations, UNESCO, Eolss forerunner volume. Retrieved on March 27 from http// f Walker, C. (2010). GenWorld The New Generation of Global Youth. Retrieved from Energy BBDO on March 27. http// Westjohn, S., Singh, N., & Magnusson, P. (2012). Responsiveness to Global and Local Consumer Culture Positioning A Personality and Collective Identity Perspective. Journal Of International Marketing, 20(1), 58-73. Retrieved on March 27. doi10.1509/jim.10.0154 http//, D., & Meer, D. (2006). Rediscovering Market Segmentation. Harvard Business Review, 84(2), 122-131. SMC Learning Resources.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Franco-Prussian War Essay -- Papers
The Franco-Prussian War During the first half of the nineteenth century, Germany was made up of more than 30 small states, the largest and most governing of which was Prussia. Prussia had decided that all of the states should all be united to create a bigger and better country, Germany. By the end of 1870 it had forced all of the German states to cause its authority and create the German Empire with the King of Prussia at its head (the Hohenzollens). Everything was going to plan as Chancellor Prince Otto Von Bismarck (person who was behind the unification of Germany) had pass judgment apart from the four large states in southern Germany who remained independent. Bismarck now needed a way to unite these states with the German Empire that he was creating, so he decided that in order to do this he believed that it was necessary to defeat France. The French Emperor Napoleon ternary was the main obstacle in the way of Bismarck as Napoleon distrusted Bismar ck and believed that he was trying to dominate Europe. Luckily Bismarck had already motivated wars against Denmark and Austria (1864 and 1866), managing to provoke his enemies declaring war against Prussia. So in the eyes of other countries Prussia was innocent and Denmark and Austria seemed like the perpetrators. Meanwhile in Spain, 1868, there had been a revolution, the outcome of this was that Queen Isabella had been overthrown and now there was a vacuum for the throne of Spain. They reduced this problem by asking Leopold of Hollenzollern (the King of Prussias nephew) to step in for them, if Leopold accepted then there would be a link amongst Spain and Prussia, isolating France.... ...ellor was secured, the four independent states in the South agreed to join the German Empire, Germany was now the most powerful country in Europe, and the German legions had proved itself invincible and the German Economy began to quickly dominate Europe. But what B ismarck feared the most was the French desire for revenge, and planned to keep France isolated. However the effectuate of the War and the Treaty on France were completely different. Their pride for their army and country was shattered, and the treaty was treated with disgust and rage. As a consequence of this Napoleon III left the country to live in exile in Britain and a republic was set up. The loss of Alsace and Lorraine ashamed France, and was a national disgrace. The French were seethe at the Germans for humiliating them and secretly dreamed of revenge.
The Franco-Prussian War Essay -- Papers
The Franco-Prussian state of war During the first half of the nineteenth century, Germany was made up of more than 30 small states, the largest and most dominant of which was Prussia. Prussia had decided that all of the states should all be united to create a bigger and better country, Germany. By the end of 1870 it had forced all of the German states to accept its empowerment and create the German Empire with the King of Prussia at its head (the Hohenzollens). Everything was going to plan as Chancellor Prince Otto Von Bismarck (person who was behind the unification of Germany) had anticipated by from the four large states in southern Germany who remained independent. Bismarck now needed a agency to unite these states with the German Empire that he was creating, so he decided that in order to do this he believed that it was necessary to defeat France. The French Emperor Napoleon III was the main obstacle in the way of Bismarck as Napoleon distrusted Bismarck and believed that he was trying to dominate Europe. Luckily Bismarck had already motivated wars against Denmark and Austria (1864 and 1866), managing to provoke his enemies declaring war against Prussia. So in the eyes of other countries Prussia was innocent and Denmark and Austria seemed like the perpetrators. Meanwhile in Spain, 1868, there had been a revolution, the outcome of this was that Queen Isabella had been overthrown and now there was a vacancy for the bottom of Spain. They reduced this problem by asking Leopold of Hollenzollern (the King of Prussias nephew) to step in for them, if Leopold accepted then there would be a link between Spain and Prussia, discriminate France.... ...ellor was secured, the four independent states in the South agreed to join the German Empire, Germany was now the most powerful country in Europe, and the German Army had prove itself invincible and the German Economy began to quickly dominate Europe. But wh at Bismarck feared the most was the French desire for revenge, and planned to keep France isolated. However the effects of the War and the Treaty on France were completely different. Their pride for their army and country was shattered, and the treaty was treated with disgust and rage. As a consequence of this Napoleon III left-hand(a) the country to live in exile in Britain and a republic was set up. The loss of Alsace and Lorraine ashamed France, and was a national disgrace. The French were seething at the Germans for humiliating them and secretly dreamed of revenge.
Monday, May 27, 2019
“the Rapid Expansion of International Financial Market Since Early 1980s Have Integrated the World Economyâ€Â. Discuss.
The rapid expansion of international pecuniary market since early 1980s have integrated the piece economy. Discuss. The international pecuniary system is a structure of markets within which organizations and individuals trade to support economic commitments made across national borders where buyers and sellers participate in the trade of assets such as equities, bonds, currencies and derivatives. Financial markets are typically defined by having transparent pricing, basic regulations on traffic, costs and fees and market bosoms determining the prices of securities that trade.The international financial market expands chop-chop including money and derivatives since early 1980s. The increased desegregation of financial systems has involved greater cross-border capital flows, tighter links among financial markets, and greater presence of foreign financial firms somewhat the world. The expansion in international financial market also means that establishment and expansion of international investment banks/ firms such as Crosby, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, UBS, Franklin, Templeton, Barney & Smith, Union posit in Swiss etc.Such firms created varieties of investment fund such as hedge fund and mutual trusts. The expansion of such investment funds has enhanced mint of foreign policy initiative (FPI) in the world economy. The role of short term (mainly portfolio capital) increased in world economy. Capital in the international financial market nates be classified into two types, which is short-term Intra-Bank Loan, which maturity less than one year and portfolio investment (investment in money, bond, stock and derivatives). Mobility of these investment very high, outflow and inflow very fast.Besides that, volume of short-term capital mobility (STC) also increased dramatically in the world economy. Currency used in trading in international capital market which dominated by industrial/rich nations are in US Dollar (US$), DM/Euro and Yen. US long horse is the main vehicle currency used in the market (above 55%). There are few reasons why STC/FPI dominated international economy. The first cistron is elimination of capital and currency controls or liberalisation of capital account of Balance of Payments. This has stimulated inflow of STC to international capital market including capital market in developing countries, i. emerging economies. Next, technology development culture increases the rapid development of international market and the speed of transaction in the market. The technology enables a deal done within a minute. Furthermore, no international financial and architecture (IFA) to supervise or control movement of portfolio capital including activities and expansion of financial institutions is another determinant of domination of STC/FPI in the economy. The rapid expansion of financial market is due to parity established at Bretton Woods in mid-sixties this crisis marked the breakdown of the system.An attempt to revive the fixed exchange rates failed, and by March 1973 the major currencies began to float against each other. The speculative pressure force closure of international foreign exchange markets for nearly two weeks, the market reopen on floating rate for major industrial countries. The Jamaica Agreement by IMF further legalizes the floating exchange system and increased the role of US currency in international economy. As a result, gold is demonetize as a reserve asset, the role of US$ in international economy increased thereafter.International financial market factors enable expanding and creation of various instruments or crossing of financial market including derivative (swaps, option, future, forward). At the same time, many countries have encouraged inflows of capital by dismantling restrictions and controls on capital outflows, deregulating domestic financial markets, liberalizing restrictions on foreign direct investment, and improving their economic environment and prospects through the introduction of market-oriented reforms The rapid expansion of international financial markets had brought several impacts to the world economy.International financial market indirectly integrated. The rapid expansion of international financial market will lead to volatility in most of financial products/ portfolios such as currency, interest rate, equities are erectr. Moreover, the speed of trading will become very fast and in large scale. For example the new money fuel a level of inflation never before seen in modern Mexico the inflation rate eventually surpassed 100 percent annually. The administration chose to ignore warn signs of inflation and opted instead to increase spending.Apart from that, movement of asset prices may relate to herding behavior, irrational behavior of investors and caused contagion in the markets. Contagion refers to the transmission of a currency crisis throughout a region. Contagion effect of international financial markets is more severe and fast than to commodity markets. In addition, if crisis emerged in major markets it dust quickly to other regions. For instance, any shocks to financial sector in developed countries let say New York Stock Exchange drop will tinct or bring other stock bourses around the world.Furthermore, transmission from the financial market to the real sector will be affected subsequently. The expansion of financial markets have bring benefits which are rapid spreading of technological advances, financial innovation as well as, more generally, financial performance to the various split of the globe. In a global financial market, technological advances in payment, settlement and trading systems as well as in financial information systems can be made available to all market participants instantaneously.And advances in financial technology such as trades and other derivatives have made it possible to baffle advantage of many new financing opportunities. Reductions in the costs of transport and transm ission of data as well as the cost of acquiring, processing and storing information have played a significant role in furthering the process of globalization. Besides that, the expansions of financial market will led financial institutions compete with each other to provide benefits to the domestic financial market.The bigger, more robust the market, the more attractive it will be to competitors. There are still many competitors large enough to attempt to secure a prominent position in the market, though the identity of these competitors has changed considerably over time. Therefore, in open financial markets the initiation of foreign financial institutions into domestic financial markets can bring sizeable benefits, as increased competition can help to enhance efficiency in the financial sector. In conclusion, a new global economic and financial system is evolving at a rapid pace right before our eyes.Financial integration has given access to world capital markets to more people, providing for a better allocation of savings and investment as well as more and educate instruments to better manage risks. At the same time, however, it has also brought new global challenges. It can be overcome in two dimensions on the internal side, by strengthening its macroeconomic fundamentals and continually revising its legal and regulatory frameworks and, on the external side, by adopting a more active role within the global community of central banks, regulators and other uthorities to improve the international financial architecture. References Stijn Claessens and Sergio L. Schmukler. (2007). IMF Working Paper International Financial Integration through Equity Markets Which Firms from Which Countries Go Global? Retrieved from http//www. imf. org/external/pubs/ft/wp/2007/wp07138. pdf Otmar Issing. (2000). The globalisation of financial markets. Retrieved, from http//www. ecb. int/press/key/date/2000/html/sp000912_2. en. html Fukao. M and Hanazaki. M.Internationalisation o f Financial Markets and The Allocation of Capital. Retrieved from www. oecd. org/dataoecd/21/19/35589290. pdf Roy C. S. Globalisation of Financial Market. Chapter 1 Integration of World Financial Markets Past, Present, and Future. Retrieved from http//media. wiley. com/product_data/excerpt/10/04712292/0471229210. pdf Rodrigo, d, R. (2007) International Monetary fund. Economic Growth and Financial Market evolution A Strengthening Integration. Retrievedfrom http//www. imf. org/external/np/speeches/2007/082207. htm
Sunday, May 26, 2019
The Autobiography of the Dalai Lama
Although he never sets out to explicitly discuss a description of leaders, we are quite able to see his point of view by considering the two places in the text where the Dalai genus Lama specific all(prenominal)y praises a person as a good leader. The first of these is his own sister. In the course of his discussion of the many difficulties managing the groups of destitute refugees who had fled into India, her contri hardlyion was invaluable. As an explanation of why, he tells us that, She had an abundant capacity for hard work. This, coupled with her rather fierce nature, made her an excellent leader.By itself, this description does non quite bring out the focus of his compliment but that focus is made somewhat more(prenominal) clear when he tells us, a few pages later, about Mr. Luthi, a worker with the Swiss Red Cross. He was, a man of tremendous zeal and energy, a real leader, who drove the populate under him extremely hard. For the Dalai Lama, then, there seem to be two e lements to leadership, one is the dexterity to bring a tremendous amount of effort to the task in question, and the second is an ability to get a similar effort out of the flock you are leading.At first glance, this appears to be somewhat at odds with this holy mans compassionate, peaceful nature. However, such an appearance is mitigated when we consider the legion(predicate) places throughout the book where we see that he holds himself to exactly the same rigorous standard. A particularly good example of this is when his observation of the struggles of his slew made his obligation fully tangible, even given his relative youth. One thing my journey down had convinced me of was the hold to study hard and learn as untold as I could.I owed it to the faith of my people to be the best person I could be. What was/is their leadership philosophy? As we might expect from the discussion above, the nucleus of the Dalai Lamas leadership philosophy is to lead by example. In addition to the passages above, this idea also runs throughout the course of the text in the chance variable of his consistent focus on creating opportunities for personal, one-on-one contact with the people he is trying to lead and/or persuadewhether the citizens of Tibet, or the political leaders of mainland China and India.In talking about the positive changes he was able to bring about in presidential term, for instance, we learn that he was, determined to be ideally open, to show everything and not to hide behind etiquette. In this instruction I hoped that people would relate to me as one human cosmos to another. Even more telling is his recital account concerning the fighting by Tibetan guerilla forces operating from over the border in Nepal. He feared that their attacks against the Chinese occupying forces would only end in more bloodshed, and he realized, that the only way I could hope to make an impression on them was by making a personal appeal. As the Dalai Lama, any discussi on of this mans philosophy (of anything) mustiness be placed in the context of his religious vocation to bring compassion and an end of suffering to all sentient beings. We see this underlying motivation suggested in the passages already quoted, but we see it move to the fore in the form of leaders that he himself admired. possibly none of the examples he gives is more familiar and understandable to us than that of Mahatma Gandhi, whom he considered to be the ultimate politician because he was able to be such a great example to his people of the difficult ideals he expected of themnamely, altruism and non-violence.How did they learn to lead? With characteristic humility, our author shows us that his most important, and most lasting, lessons in leadership were learned from his various large and small mistakes over the years. In one anecdote, we hear the story of the younger Dalai Lama punishing a darling parrot because it did not respond to him with the sweard affection. Once he had beaten it with a stick, it thereafter fled at the sight of me. This was a very good lesson in how to make friends not by force but by compassion. The same lesson was shaped by his religious studies as a monk, and we see it reflected in raise form years later in his attempt to deal with restate acts of deception by Chairman Mao. Besides, the Dalai Lama tells us, as far as I was concerned, a positive approach was the only sensible one to take. There was no point in being negative, that only makes a bad place worse. Did they challenge the process? Not only has he challenged the process for the last forty-plus years, but the Dalai Lama is still challenging the process.In areas from promoting the role of women in Tibetan government to working for U. N. resolutions and intervention in the case of Tibets occupation by China, it is not unfair to say that his whole career has been an attempt to challenge the way international politics is conducted. Would you consider them inspiration al? If so, why? The thing that is probably the most inspiring about him is that in spite of all that he and his people have been through, he still responds by sightedness and hoping for the best in people. Near the end of the book he says, .. . for there are more than a billion Chinese, and whilst maybe several thousand are participating in acts of cruelty at any one moment, I believe there must be several million performing acts of kindness. How did they build a team and strengthen others? This is, perhaps, best shown in the account of his discussion with Prime Minister Nehru over the treatment and education of the Tibetan refugees who had come to India. His main approach is to appeal to the very best part of human nature in each of the people around him.In the case of Nehru, the Dalai Lama had laid out his case and, as hoped, Nehrus humanitarian instincts won out in the end. The same idea is repeated in other places in the book, though not so succinctly. In general we see the ap plication of his faith in leadership by example. In this case by the moral example he presents. By making sure that people can deal with him one-on-one, they are able to see his silver dollar and sincerity, and, thereby, be inspired by that side of themselves. Did they practice what they preached?In order to answer this question, let us first attempt to encapsulate what the Dalai Lama preached (and preaches). In relation to leadership, it would be fair to say that his sermon consists in Hold yourself and the people you lead to high standards the highest of which is to be selfless, altruistic, to put the welfare of others ahead of your own. In looking back over his struggles, there are a lot of examples of this on his part. One of the most pivotal instances was when he had to make the hard ratiocination to leave Tibet.He realized that only if he left would the gathered crowd protesting against the Chinese, and protecting their leader from the Chinese disperse, thereby saving them all from deadly Chinese military reprisals. In one decisive moment he gave up his beloved homeland of Tibet in order to save hundreds and hundreds of lives. How did they handle mistakes? Perhaps owe to his lifelong academic training as a Buddhist monk, the Dalai Lama sees each mistake as a learning situation. We have already seen a good example of this in the story of the parrot, in which he made the mistake of beating it to change its behavior.In looking for an example where he made a significant mistake as the leader of Tibet, there is the gradual realization that he had been wrong to believe in the good intentions of Chairman Mao. In line of descent to earlier periods where he had been uplifted by his faith in Maos underlying goodness, and, in fact, had often appealed to him concerning the conduct of occupying soldiers in Tibet, later in the story we hear the Dalai Lama say, I began to see that Chairman Maos words were like a rainbow beautiful, but without substance. In respon se to this realization, the Dalai Lama comes away with a better understanding of how China has worked to create a misleading PR campaign to undermine the appeals of the Tibetan leadership among the world community, and he comes away with a different strategy for moving forward based on getting accurate observers into and out of Tibet to provide objective information on the condition and treatment of the Tibetan people at the hands of the Chinese. How did they recognize the accomplishments of others?Given his varied, persistent needs in trying to keep the Tibetan gardening safe and thriving, as well as the managerial tasks of the refugee population, and the political tasks of building international support for his cause, the primary effect of someone showing great leadership or achievement has been to give them more leadership responsibility. We see this talked about in regard to his tutors, his close associates, and even his own family. By way of illustration, we need only point ba ck to the example given earlier concerning his sister.Because of her ability and demonstrated energy as the manager of the household, he created a situation where the entire refugee population was part of her household. What could we all learn from this person that would make us better leaders? One of the recurrent elements throughout the story is his sincere desire to connect with people, we see him constantly working to meet people whether they be Tibetan or foreign, wealthy or poor, politician or scientist. In fact, he made it a personal goal to try and meet with every refugee coming into India from Tibet and with other religious leaders whenever he went abroad.He repeatedly mentions these opportunities as being the most valuable part of his life in exile. More than just the intrinsic value of these connections and interactions with people from all different walks of life, though, he also helps us to see that there is a secondary benefit in terms of making someone an effective leader. One of the many positive side personal effects to come from his interactions, especially with the Tibetan masses, is that by remaining close to the common people, a leader avoids being, misled by advisors and others around you who, for reasons of their own, might wish to prevent you from seeing things clearly.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Spirited Away Movie Review
spirited Away Movie Review Spirited Away, written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki, is his most imaginative work to date. It is a tale intentional for the young audience around ten years old. Despite the expected age group, however, it is adults that will probably learn more from this characterization. The story begins as ten-year-old Chihiro and her parents by chance find a tunnel in the countryside that leads them into an old, deserted park. When her parents help themselves to a give out of delicious food, Chihiro goes around.But as night is coming, she comes back to find that her mum and dad have been turned into pigs. She is then trapped in a horrible world of gods. In this world, humans are scorned. Then Chihiro tries to make herself send to work in a bathhouse. She works hard, makes herself useful, and finds her courage so that she can find a way to break the spell. For a moving picture designed for a young audience, Spirited Away is surprisingly profound. The thesis of thi s story is related to the importance of names and promises.When Chihiro becomes employed by Yubaba, the witch who rules the spirit world and pee-pee her name away, which Chihiro needs to free herself. Yubaba herself besides is bound by the spell she has made in the past. In the world of Spirited Away, everyone is bound by their bear words and names. What makes this animated film different from most of the popular childrens animated films, such as those made by Disney, is that there is no real(a) enemy that the main character has to fight with.There are no clear lines between good and evil in Spirited Away. Yubaba appears to be the films main evil, but the audience do not hate her so much that they wish her to die, since she also has a compassionate or weakness, when it comes to her forged boy. This film is wit-knot from the beginning to the end. From the moment when Chihiro meets the male lead character, Haku, the pace of the film is increased. One reason the story is so attrac tive and outstanding is that the whole film is transcending audiences imagination.Audience always find themselves having certain expectations of how the story will develop, but each time the story turns out in a completely unexpected direction. Chihiros selflessness and bravery are really surprising sometimes. They are also inspiring and heartwarming. There are a lot of sub-characters, such as No-Face and Yubabas oversized baby named Boh, and sub-plots connected together with Chihiro and the main plot without any fault. Another noticeable thing is the music, which combines Japanese melodic features with western ones.Some tracks are peaceful and sad when at night, Chihiro is worrying her future and condition, gazing out over the ocean. Other tracks are mysterious and attractive. For example, when Chihiro frightfully finds her surroundings transformed, there are even grand tracks to match the coming of the gods. The soundtrack is as effective as other facts in making Spirited Away special and impressive. There is absolutely no weakness I can find with this film, and it is hard to imagine how anyone could not like it.Spirited Away is beautifully animated. It is also made up of wildly imaginative characters and an inspiring story. In addition, there is matchlessly great music to support the film. People who have seen the film are believed to be divided into two main groups those who like it, and those who will absolutely like it. Both kids and adults will enjoy themselves and have their own feelings. There is no doubtfulness that Spirited Away is one of the best films.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Culture of the University of Phoenix Essay
University of capital of Arizona is a centre of excellence, which has served thousands of students from all over the world since it inception. The universitys nicety is its personality, and it holds the universitys community of interests by encouraging alliance to the universitys values, norms and assumptions all of which makes the university to behave in a way likely to promote the universitys cause. The culture of University of Phoenix is present in the things, which the University of Phoenix takes pride in such as its multinational students as well as warm relations with the local community.Like numerous learning institutions the culture of University of Phoenix can be referred to as an Academy culture. This is mainly the case considering the fact that in the University of Phoenix, on that point is little driveway of staff and the staff turnover is quite low. It is likely that, most of the staff members at the university have served in the university for close to a decade or longer. thither is also a blend of club culture in the organization given the fact that employees in the organization are recruited as junior employees but end up rising through the ranks to top management.Usually those who begin at the bottom of the organization but enroll in part beat courses end up gaining skills and at the same time experience. This puts them at a very good position to enhance as the university supports career growth and increase of its employees. The leaders in the university do not exercise unregulated authority characteristic in organizations such as military organizations which operate under a bureaucratic leadership style. The culture at University of Phoenix is that of unity and collaboration amongst the university community members.The University of Phoenix pursues a culture of integrity, honesty, excellence, racial tolerance, devotion to studies, creativeness as well as positive attitude towards success. The culture also calls for high belief in ac hievement and being goal oriented. The University of Phoenix promotes a culture of high values in everything the community members undertake. As a result of the cultural beliefs, the organization upholds, the University of Phoenix encourages total commitment to zero tolerance against racial discrimination, discrimination on basis of colour or nationality as well as zero tolerance towards gender discrimination.As a result of adherence to high values, the University of Phoenix continues to attract some of the best scholars in the world. People feel free to participate in the Universitys growth in scathe of continually being a centre for excellence. Therefore the University of Phoenix can be state to have a strong culture because every turn tail of the university in terms of academic excellence and research activities is aligned to organizational values. This is what defines the strength of a culture and how well it is aligned to the organizational values.At the University of Phoenix there is a high sense of belonging amongst the students who always want to be associated with the organization, are proud to be associated with the university and wherever they go they carry themselves in a way in which they make good ambassadors of the university. Conclusion In a summary the culture of University of Phoenix mix can be said to be ideal in that it promotes participation of all members of the University in the promotion of the Universitys values.The universitys culture allows for an easy introduction of change and therefore whenever there are any changes to be done it is never hard for the administration to institute nor the students to implement. There are rarely challenges so very hard for the university community to overcome as the culture allows for functioning as teams. Finally the culture allows for easy conflict resolution whenever conflicts arise.Referencehttp//www. insidehighered. com/workplace/2005/03/28/phoenix. Accessed on 6/04/2001. www. intuitive. com/b log/university_of_phoenix_apollo_group_releases_free_speech_policy. html Accessed on 6/04/2001.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Bamboozled: Black People and White Man Essay
In 2000, Spike lee wrote and directed the film Bamboozled. When discussing his satirical film, Spike Lee claimed, I want people to think round the power of hu mankind bodys, not just in terms of race, but how imagery is used and what sort of social impingement it has how it influences how we talk, how we think, how we view one an opposite. . . how film and television have historically. . . produced and perpetuated distorted images. Spike Lee certainly conveyed this message in Bamboozled. Images are powerful and carry large social impact. They should never be misrepresented.Are all African Americans either lazy or dim-witted or happy servants, always ready and free to please the White Man? The short answer is, no. However, throughout the 1800s and early 1900s, many people bankd this. The ultimate question is, why? As explained in the film Ethnic Notions, this false perception grew and grew, even past the time of slavery, due to images. Derogatory images of African Americans a s happy servants or savages, were everywhere they were produce in childrens books and slapped on cans of food to be used as a marketing tool.People bought into this perception of African Americans, as they became acclimatized to it. Today, our society sames to believe that times have changed and there is no longer an issue of race or false perception of African Americans in the media. However, Spike Lee argues, A new phenomenon has emerged in film in recent years, in which an African-American character is imbued with special powers, filmmaker Spike Lee told a student listening ? This new image is just a reincarnation of the same old stereotype or caricature of African Americans ?Lee cited four recent films in which there is a magical, mystical Negro character ? in The Legend of Bagger Vance, a mordant man with all these powers, teaches a young sportsmanlike male ? how to golf like a champion ? How is it that black people have these powers but they use them for the benefit of wh ite people? Spike Lee seems to be under the impression that African Americans are still misrepresented in the media. They have only improved their ability to mask the fact. False image is still there, but it is subtle. His film Bamboozled ripped viewers eyes wide open.The film explored and demonstrated two images of African Americans. The first image, is the Black Man who is just like the White Man or the Asian Man or the Middle-Eastern Man a man who can be rich and successful like capital of South Dakota Delacroix in Bamboozled a man who can be poor and when without money will do almost anything for it like Manray and Womack. However, when Pierre Delacroix pitched television immortalises about a Black Man living in an upper-middle-class white, suburban neighborhood, his superior, Thomas Dunwitty turned them down, they definitely dont want to see honor black people on television. However, the network would allow Pierre Delacroix to create a show which blatantly degrades African A mericans a show which goes back to the 1900s, to the time of black face and minstrel shows a time when black people were considered subhuman. This is where Spike Lee demonstrates the other image of the African American an image that the media has gently squeeze down viewers throats. Spike Lee, however, did not do so gently. The fictional television show in Bamboozled, Mantans New Millennium sing Show, starred African Americans in black face acting like buffoons.It might as well have been an authentic minstrel show in the 1900s. There was dancing and singing. The two main characters hid from the White Man in a chicken coup, saying aint nobody in here but us chickens 4 The creator, Pierre Delacroixs initial intention with this show was not to degrade his own race. It was to break the stereotypes. 5 He figured the nation would be shocked and outraged instead they ate it up. The studio audience dressed in black face.Children trick-or-treated in black face. It was the in style(p) cra ze of the nation. Black face is an act which digs back to a time of slavery, a time where African Americans were considered inferior. It was now socially acceptable to publicly highlight a moment in history that pained African Americans. People figured its on TV, its OK The black man was degraded, as he has always been, but in Bamboozled no mercy was spared. Spike Lee used the film in a variety of ways.He attacked todays media and the way in which it portrays African Americans. He explored the wide scope of African Americans lives, which is no different than the lives of any other race. He demonstrated the consequences of greed and sacrificing ones dignity. Furthermore, he exposed society for what it really is mindless. The majority of a population does not question the media. Instead it swallows images whole, even if those images are as false and misleading as a painted black face.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Bellboy Case
It is essential to first curb general understanding of the Terms Bell male child. This name is generally associated with a person whose task is to roleplay errands and some clocks help guests with baggage in hotels. The bellhop often connected with drumhead what happened to the dollar, is a topic that has been apply by scholars to explain and make their ideas to a greater extent(prenominal) sellable and attractive to their readers and scholars in their scopes of study.Three men of Italian decent also referred to as farmers by profession are said to have visited a overseas country and in the process the need to procure boarding facilities arose.It was in that federal agency that these three gentlemen found themselves in a hotel w present they wanted to hire sleeping rooms. After a $30 agreement for the three men they agree amongst themselves that each should give $10. And so they did. Later the hotelier decides to charge twenty v dollars. It is here that we here the bellboy mentioned first as the story continues. The issues arise when the hotelier decides to refund gumption the excess five dollars back to the three gentlemen. not knowing how to divide five dollars among three men he decides to keep cardinal dollars for himself and give each-gentle man a dollar as a refund.This is where afterwards reading the story one notices the trick. One,after careful analysis of the story notices that a dollar will end-up being un-accounted for-thus posing the question of what happened to the dollar? The survey as presented is good since it imparts readers with deep explanations of the fields theory populated with daily models. The wooing study here presents research foodstuffing, the process of it and also explains the problem in its expository chapters. The general research exercise design is well reviewed, another plus for the use of the designed data line of battle forms and methodologies.The authors employ Data collection and exemplary designs in the ir conclusion of the case-study besides conducting a clear interpretation of facts and analysis. Churchill and Dawn chose to concentrate abstractly on objective support systems and information trading operations and more specifically to helping information seekers recognize a task easily, put it in order and ask for the opinion of those empowered to make judgments. The correctness of the Bell boy case pilenot be overemphasized in the way it is use by the authors as a central influence point on the paper and generally all over the books.Seemingly intended for grounding the foundations of marketing research, the Bellboy case-study encourages readers to think creatively beyond the scope. Maybe the greatest achievement by some(prenominal) Churchill Gilbert and Dawn Lacobucci lies in the simplicity of the case-study. Being a widely comprehended story, its understandability goes unquestioned. With good understanding, the interpretation follows with ease. On the same note the authors p rovide readers with a wide variety of professionalism which is exemplified using the Bellboy case-study.In the authors view, this is the best case scenario to give a reader a full recognition of the subjects under discussion. Through the use of a highly comprehensible case-study, the authors take readers through nearly all stages of successful marketing and even more conveniently how to make them all work in operable marketing. Gilbert Churchill and Dawn Lucobbaci provide the reader with both conjectural and analytical works. The simplistic case-study, the Bell boy clearly indicates how the study gives basic ideas in some areas.Here too, the marketing researcher is provided with all insight with the requirements of the mathematical skills for the market researcher. By being thorough in explanations of concepts and ideas-both simple and complex, the student or learner is saved from extremes of abstract assumptions and misleading generalizations. The Bellboy case though simplistic in appearance helps the learner to go creativity and analytical skills which are greatly essential to a marketing research both academic and corporate.Through the case-study the Bellboy the authors bring to focus articles across a broad range of marketing specialties, including consumer behavior, others such as retail tracking, merchandising, retailers and even analytics. The case study The Bellboy brings into clear focus high quality, theoretical and utilise research in the areas of marketing and market research. The case study highlights academically oriented research work often focusing in on market orientation and even counter analysis.The analysis provided by the authors provides tips which would provide marketing research-based debates on market topics such as customer retention methods, product equivalence and customer satisfaction. The importance of this case study the Bellboy, cannot be overemphasized as put across by the authors. In a general view, this case provides us with information, discussion on competition and market research as well as industry trends. Therefore, this is a most appropriate case-study in terms of relevance and objectivity.The textbook has undergone too much transition that some of original ideas may have acquired new dimensions. To a reader who is new, the case-study may be limiting in the champion that the additional ideas may not have existed in earlier editions. Across all the nine editions, there is a noticeable variation in the way the Bellboy causal agency is evaluated. This means therefore that a first time reader of a particular edition would miss pop out on ideas in another edition which he/she is not acquainted with. The Bellboy Case does not look very convincing with regard to some specific topics dealt with in the text.There lacks direct relevance between the topic Role of Marketing and the selected case-study Bellboy. This particular limitation can be cited in several other sub-topics including Problem For mulation, in the introductory part one. Descriptive and Causal Research Designs in Part two, Standardized Marketing Information in part three. Designing the Questionnaire or reflection Form and The Basics of Measurements all from part three. The simultaneous analysis of multiple variables in part five reveals some remote relevance to the Bellboy case study in part six of the text.Other limitation besides the one of relevance is the overuse of the particular case-study. Though creative and at the same time entertainment, this particular problem of overuse leads to an adventurous reader to a limitation of scope when it comes variety. A good reader no doubt feels limited in the choice of examples used. To some readers the Bellboy Case of what happened to the dollar as given by Churchill and Dawn may appear frivolities and therefore fail to exude the needed seriousness intended by the authors of the text.In his review of the text, (Brown, 2005) is lf the opinion That being too specifi c in the use of the Bellboy Case Study limits the number of professionals who can use the book to mostly only trained researchers are opposed to a general readership or the byplay community. A reader may question the up-to-date coverage of topics intended by the authors with regards to the Bellboy Case Study. The new or later editions of the text which have expounded information on topic which allow in sample size issues, forecasted sales and the usefulness of the use of internet may end up confusing the readers as opposed to giving them guidelines.Realizing the Bellboy Case as presented here one at guiltily feels the authors ought to have given several other case studies as a way of justifying their arguments on these topics. As it is a reader and especially one with market research background often feels grieved to only on idea of reference Bellboy Case Study. At the beginning of the case study, makes a general assumption that most readers are acquainted with Bellboy story. This is generally a wrong assumption since quite to the untoward a good number of marketing research readers may have a problem getting acquainted with the case study.Though this may seem corresponding an easy to overcome limitation, as good authors they should have taken the trouble of classifying to the readers the over told story. Lacking in direct connection too is the relevance of the Bellboy Case to one of the topics given much emphasis. One generally get the opinion that the bellboy case being too general was put out of reference for some extensively covered references such as the use of the intensive in marketing research. The Bellboy Case Study as used in the text leaves the reader and especially a marketing research professional with some unclarified ideas about several of the covered topics.For instance in the topics theoretical applied research in marketing and other areas such as consumer behavior. On the same note discussions on consumer profiles purchasers and retail co nsolidation effects should have benefited more from the Bellboy case study since one can almost draw direct connection after clearly analyzing the story. The problem here is that the authors delegated more emphasis on the expository parts of the discussion, leaving this latter one which is equally important shallowly covered. The same problem can be cited on other topics.Such as the discussion on exhaling and analyzing product and market before action taking in market leadership. Weighing both the limitations and strengths of the Bellboy case as used by authors Gilbert A. Churchill and Dawn Lacobucci, one comes to the conclusion that only a good book can exude such a variation of opinionated reviews. Given that the Bellboy case is a fairly well comprehended story the world over, it becomes appropriate in the sense that the business community has a fallback reference point from which views and opinions can be drawn on practical market ideas and opinions.Clearly, the role of marketing research is investigated extensively by the authors leaving a marketing researcher and especially a beginning on with little to grapple with if any. From tutors point of view the Bellboy case study provides a great teaching aid and resource in explaining marketing research and methodological foundations. The extensive treatment presents a high direct in discussion professional codes of conduct and ethics on the part of both authors.All the topics handled in the book presents on acceptable level of relevance to practical marketing an more so the manner in which the authors bring in the Bellboy case study to act as a fall back point of reference for the entire coverage. Most noticeable however are questions one cannot avoid after deciphering the case study especially as used to expound on the usefulness of the internet as a pawn of marketing. The question of whether or not the product or service will work online is inevitable. The question of the type and volume of market (product and service) information to include also arises.Coupled with this, the best venue for a product also poses an appropriate question to a market researcher. Finally on this topic the issue of how one should collect the returns monetary or otherwise becomes paramount. The internet as such becomes an important tool of marketing according to Churchill and Dawn. Here, emphasis is mostly laid on marketing research and information intelligence and sourcing in the internet as tools of marketing. As to the limitations cited here about this particular text, they only remain weaknesses as far as the bellboy case-study is concerned.Viewed in the light of another angle or perspective they could be strengths. It is also important to note here that both Churchill and Dawn have given marketing research and methodological foundations a new dimension and rancor often lacking in many other such texts dealing with especially marketing research. It is finally important to note that every thing has two sides and the strength or weakness only comes in when the pointer is focused on only one of the two sides. Reference Churchill/A. G. Locaabucci, D. (2004). Marketing Research methodological Foundation. London, Mason Publishers.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Views on Globalization
Views on Globalization discourse is a very powerful tool when used correctly. Using conversation across cultures to solve issues and thaw conflict is something that Cosmopolitanism emphasizes in its ideology. Cosmopolitanism uses the basis of conversation as a root to solving conflicts, and learning to sustain in a multicultural society successfully. Cosmopolitanism is all more(prenominal) or less the understanding of others.Appiah states I am goading that we should learn about people in other places, take an interest in their civilizations, their arguments, their errors, their achievements, not because that pass on bring us to agreement, but because it will help us get used to one another. If that is the aim, wherefore the act that we have all these opportunities for disagreement about values need not put us off. Understand one another may be hard it laughingstock certainly be interesting. scarce it doesnt require that we return to agreement (Appiah).Appiah is saying that according to Cosmopolitanism, we mint still have our disagreements about certain fancys, but come to an understanding of each other in order to appreciate their views. This idea of communication leads to a more symmetrical society when people can come to a repair understanding of each other. The aim of Cosmopolitanism is to live together in a more peaceful harmonious state and avoid unnecessary conflict. This idea when applied to the real knowledge domain may not descend the way Appiah imagined, but there are definitely case studies in the real world where a lack of communication results in conflict.Many people in other countries and even up U. S. natives share the stereotype that the States tends to not always have the best international relations. They dont always handle the speckle in the best way. Franklin Foer, author of How Soccer Explains the human beings, believes that this opinion is divided and argues that the game of soccer explains this division. Foer believes t hat soccer has been a major influence on globalization through its gaining popularity in America and its age-old root in Europe. Sports have always been a major part of most countries and influenced its cultures and societies.It has been said that sports are a symbolic ritual that explain cultural values. Foer argues that, Soccer isnt exactly pernicious, but its a symbol of the U. S. junking its tradition to get with the rest of the worlds program. Foer also believes the sport of soccer itself represents a binary division between two camps in the Globalization debate. The effects from globalization cause diversity, going away homogeneity threatened. In the article, by Kwame Anthony Appiah, he discusses globalization in terms of contamination and the effects that it can have on cultures.When relating this article to the there are many comparisons when discussing what effects viewing other lifestyles can have on an individual. Both works of literature illustrate impudently ideas on worldviews. By mentation globally, we are promoting ideas of diversity. There are certainly many opportunities available from globalization. The obvious is being open to new political and cultural differences. This means being able to compare our environment and lifestyle to those of other cultures. By considering other societies, it helps us to understand them.Ishmaels teachings extracted the idea that we should reach forward, and consider other societies and ways of living. Although, he relates it to the world of primitive and civilized, the idea is that having a broader view on different ways of living might or else make you change parts of your lifestyle. Many cultures fear the effects that globalization may have on their society. The distribution of wealth and knowledge over time causes increasing pickaxes and more interdependencies.Communicating information is now more valued because of the knowledge that can be available from it and as civilized human beings we make the ch oice to keep accepting and reacting to the information that is being make available to us through globalization. Because the effects of this mould are so strong, many people fear their identity is being threatened. They feel it is hard to vary to any lifestyle changes and so they try to reject it (Appiah). The loss of identity is not threatened. Cultures are made of continuities and changes and the identity of a society can survive through these changes (Appiah).Most People who examine the effects of globalization recognize that it is giving both cultural and economics impacts everywhere its forces are manifested (Appiah). In fact, as Franklin Foer has suggested, even within the world of sports one finds that globalization confers advantages and disadvantages, shrinking and then expanding the world as disparate cultures come into contact with one another. Works Cited Appiah, Kwame Anthony. Moral Disagreement. Cosmopolitanism Ethics in a World of Strangers (2006) Foer, Franklin. H ow Soccer Explains the World An Unlikely Theory of Globalization. (2004)
Middle East Women Studying Abroad presents a potential Solution to Racism Essay
centerfield east Women Studying Abroad presents a potential Solution to racialismIntroduction plaza East is whiz of the regions that are known to steer racism, gender inequality, and religious preconceived nonion with low concerted efforts to minimize the occurrences. This has been a problem to both the domestic populations and foreign populations living in the region. The racism exists in both press down social and higher social class and across different races. Citizens and governmental drawing cards play a major part in propagating racial prejudice across different races and particularly on women (Shalhoub-Kevorkian, 2004). leading use their selfish motives to gain power and in the end steer prejudice within societies (Price, 2003). Citizens fall in always trusted their leader and tend to follow their ill promises ending up in hate and sometimes mistreatment and brutality to other races. Traditional methods by leaders to solve conflict in marrow East have led to inconclusi ve outcome and attitudes colored by strong emotions on populations (Saaty, & Zoffer, 2012).Arabs and Islamic quest for a conspiracy theory, explain the lack of development and rise of dictatorial regimes in the optic East. This is evidence by the lack of western hallmarks for society development thus faulting Arabs themselves. This is a representation of dexterous and cultural affliction independent of any external forces (Ismael, & Measor, 2003). nub East education system, religious platforms and leaders have shown no interest in ending the problem. The large group of victims of racial prejudice is fe manlikes and children who experiences discriminations and defensive measure to other basic piece rights (Ruby, 2013). They are much hurt in cases of violence and are subjected to fell acts such as rape and murder. This shows there is need to find a resolvent to the problem and invest women through advocating their rights. The major contributor of racism has been linked by the h igh levels of illiteracy in the democracy (Golding, 2009). This hinders populations from knowing their rights and hence hard for them to fight and demand their rights through successive and peaceful negotiation gathering with leaders and other stakeholders. People knowing their rights through education and other enlightening plat forms would hit a solution to racism.Few women who have benefited from getting education oversea have been so plainspoken about bringing solution to racism in Middle East but their numbers and negative illiterate women let them down. Illiteracy is one of the major sustenance of racism in Middle East (Golding, 2009). Thus, the problem ends propagating itself to worse levels. If such women could increase in number in the region, a solution to the eat racism problem would be found. This study will be very pregnant to leader and uncommon women in leading and those study oversea. Through the study, they will realize their role in curbing prejudice thro ugh informed knowledge on human rights (Gordon, 2012). The government and leader will be important audience so that they can advocate for foreign education and put policies in place that would uphold women to study abroad. facts of life significance The solution of racism has always been linked to men and political leader in Middle East. However, they have continuously failed in addressing the matter comprehensively and bringing a tenacious lasting solution. Few enlightened women who by luck had a chance to go and study abroad seem to understand their rights and the need of a lasting solution in Middle East. Studying abroad equip women with necessary human rights knowledge necessary to address the Middle East problem (Gordon, 2012). The inquiry that have been done tend to address solution based on traditional methods such as diplomacy and face-to-face and leaders intervention (Saaty, & Zoffer, 2012). The resolution forums never advocates for the rights of citizens but only advocated for need of propitiation and unity. This research will be a revelation to leaders, women and government in bringing a solution to Middle East racism. Western countries seem also to have firm human rights activist who women studying abroad can emulate. This will help them understand their human rights will then they can raptus to the wide population (Steinberg, 2012 Ruby, 2013). A higher number of men have studied abroad from Middle East but they have done very little on the issue. Thus, this study will be very significant to all its audience in empowering women to study abroad thus awareness of human rights and solution to Middle East bringing a new dawn to the populations.Literature Review Racism is one of the major problems in Middle East that causes conflicts and brutality within populations. Middle East has Arabs and Islamic religious and ethnic group. In this region, non-Arabs and non-Muslims people are faced with rejection and disapproval (Fluehr-Lobban, 200 5). The region also has more than 20 diverse ethnic groups. The discussion on the religious and ethnic groups in the area is a taboo in the society.The components that may help to discuss potential solution to racism by women overwhelm According to Saaty, and Zoffer, (2012) dispute resolution in middle East has been on the routine cause where leaders (males), use traditional approaches such as face to face to engager to conflicting party. These means have not been fruitful at all and so, lead should adopt more practical dispute resolutions approaches in Middle East, which focus on the rights of the people in their social, humanitarian, economic, geographic, and historical worth. This way will help minimize conflicts and racism. good people who are aware of their rights would tend to concentrate on nation building alternatively than their differences.Medovoi, (2012) argues that godliness has been of the group that has exemplified on racism dynamics. The author regards religion as one of the group that has supplemented the racial dynamics. From the positioning that most religions groups are headed my men, it is an obvious conclusion that men and other readers have failed to use their potential leadership and influential position to bring solution to the problem of racism in Middle East. This calls for a diverseness in the ways of thinking and culture of Middle East to trust male missd leadership in Middle East.Steinberg, (2012) view the cause of racism and other violence against human rights to originate from political selfish welfare. He refers the persistence conflicts between Arabs and Israel as a form of political involvement. The leadership rather than solving the problem on their citizens and populations have continued to instigate hatred among the citizens. It is worth noting that male characters dominate the leadership here. Therefore, the failure to resolve conflicts and racism issues heavily fall on them.Semati, (2010) argues that Islamic domi nation in the region is one of the key factors that have led to slow resolution of the problems differential racism in Middle East. He argues that Islamophobia is an ideological response, which conflates politics, societies, histories and cultures of the Middle East to a negative and unified attitude on Islam. This has led to incompatibility with other races thus propagating the racial prejudice. This can also be attributed to the failure of male leadership in Islamic religion.ReferencesBaker, J. (2013). Just Kids? Peer Racism in a Predominantly clear City. Refuge, 29(1), 75-85.Chronology. (2011). Middle East daybook, 65(1), 103-131.Fluehr-Lobban, C. (2006). Why Muslims Rebel Repression and Resistance in the Islamic World. Arab Studies Quarterly, 28(2), 72-74.Golding, A. S. (2009).Multiculturism, America, and the Middle East. Bloomington, IN Authorhouse.Hasso, F. S. (2005). Problems and tell in Middle East and northmost Africa Gender Research. Feminist Studies, 31(3), 653-678.Is mael, T. Y., & Measor, J. (2003). Racism and the North American Media undermentioned 11 September The Canadian Setting. Arab Studies Quarterly, 25(1/2), 101-136.Medovoi, L. (2012). Dogma-Line Racism. Social Text, 30(2_111), 43-74.Price, R. (2003).Fast facts on the Middle East conflict. Eugene Harvest kinsperson PubRodenborg, N. A. (2013). Aversive Racism and Intergroup Contact Theories Cultural Competence in a Segregated World. ledger of Social Work Education, 49(4), 564-579.Semati, M. (2010). Islamophobia, Culture and Race in the Age of Empire. Cultural Studies, 24(2), 256-275.Shalhoub-Kevorkian, N. (2004). Racism, Militarisation and Policing Police Reactions to wildness against Palestinian Women in Israel. Social Identities, 10(2), 171-193.Treacher, A. (2007). Circulating Emotions, Beliefs and Fantasies The Middle East and the West. Psychodynamic Practice, 13(4), 345-360.Gordon, J. (2012). Human Right Education?. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 41(4), 754-767.Ruby, T. (2013 ). The Question 0f Muslim Womens Rights And The Ontario Shariah Tribunals. Frontiers A Journal of Women Studies, 34(2), 134-154.Steinberg, G. M. (2012). From Durban to the Goldstone Report The Centrality Of Human Rights Ngos In The policy-making Dimension Of The ArabIsraeli Conflict. 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Sunday, May 19, 2019
Cola explosion Essay
the skinny Explosion When the Mentos come into contact with the Diet Coke, a response causes the rapid formation of foam. it is concluded that the grand benzoate, aspartame, and C02 gas contained in the Diet Coke, in combination with the gelatin and gingiva arabic ingredients of the Mentos, all commit to the formation of the foam. The structure of the Mentos is the most signifi faecal mattert cause of the eruption due to nucleation.MythBusters reported that when fruit-flavored Mentos with a unperturbed waxy coating were tested in carbonated drink there was hardly a reaction, whereas int-flavored Mentos (with no such coating) added to carbonated drink formed an energetic eruption, affirming the nucleation- put theory. The fold up of the mint Mentos is covered with many dwarfish holes that increase the surface area available for reaction (and thus the quantity of reagents exposed to each another(prenominal) at any given time), thereby allowing C02 burps to form with the rapidi ty and quantity necessary for the Jet- or geyser-like nature of the effusion.Each Mentos candy has thousands of mall pores on its surface which disrupt the polar attractions in the midst of water molecules, creating thousands of ideal nucleation sites for the gas molecules to congregate. In non-science speak, this porous surface creates a lot of bubble harvest-time sites, allowing the carbon dioxide bubbles to rapidly form on the surface of the Mentos. (If you use a smooth surfaced Mentos candy, you wont get nearly same the reaction. ) The buoyancy of the bubbles and their growth go forth in the end cause the bubbles to leave the nucleation site and rise to the surface of the soda.Bubbles will continue to form on the porous surface and the process will repeat, creating a nice, foamy geyser. In addition to that, the gum arabic and gelatin ingredients of the Mentos, combined with the potassium benzoate, scar or (potentially) aspartame in diet sodas, as well help in this process. In these cases, the ingredients end up dour the surface tension of the liquid, allowing for even more rapid bubble growth on the porous surface of the Mentos highschooler surface tension would make it a more difficult environment for bubbles to form.Compounds like gum arabic that lower surface tension are called surfactants). Diet sodas produce a bigger reaction than non-diet sodas because aspartame lowers the surface tension of the liquid much more than sugar or corn syrup will. You can also increase the effect by adding more surfactants to the soda when you add the Mentos, like adding a confection of dishwasher soap and water. Bubble theory How bubbles form in liquids In most liquids, there is about dissolved gas.In high surface tension liquids, like water, it is tough for bubbles to orm, because water molecules like to be adjacent to other water molecules ( hairlike forces). To overcome this, a nucleation site is generally needed. Gas molecules congregate next to nucleation sites, which break up the network of water molecules. When enough are gathered, they form a bubble. Due to capillary forces, the bubble will initially stay at its nucleation site. But usually, the buoyancy of the bubble will eventually cause it to rise, as more and more gas molecules collect in the bubble.More fun bubble facts When a soda is bottled, it is bottled under a relatively high pressure of C02 that is opened without shaking high pressure C02 above the liquid escapes, making the familiar hiss. The C02 in the liquid slowly escapes until equilibrium is achieved. When the sealed can is shaken, some of the gaseous C02 gets mixed into the liquid, forming a supersaturated solution. The mixed in gas also provide growth sites for the dissolved C02. The growth sites allow the C02 to escape much more rapidly and so the explosive evolution of C02 gas.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
New Baby
New Baby The twenty-four hour period my niece, Hailey, was born was probably the most exciting day of my life. Being nine years old, the youngest of four, and knowing my florists chrysanthemum wasnt going to have any more kids I felt as if I was gaining a babe instead of a niece. I had been continuously asking my ma for a do by babe and the answer I received was always a no. It was a Sunday afternoon when my sister decided to sit the whole family down and make her big announcement. We could all tell she was nervous to theorise whatsoever it was she was going to grade.The look on her face and the way she was twiddling with fingers permit us know that whatever she had to say was going to be a huge deal. It took her a few minutes to finally rough drawing up the courage to thump taboo what she had to say, scarcely when she revealed to our family that she was expecting, I, unlike my parents, was ecstatic Everyone else just looked at her in disbelief, while I on the other han d looked at her with a giant smile on my face. Immediately, the first words that came out of my mouth was, Is it a boy or girl? hoping she said a girl of course.She looked at me confused, as if she was expecting me to be upset that there was going to be a indulge coming into our house to steal my baby of the family shine. That didnt matter to me though I just cute someone to be given with and to teach things to. I mean, I had older siblings to play with but the chances of playing dolls or kitchen with my older brothers was usually slim to none. As for my sister, well shes ten years older than me, so there wasnt much hope there either. I was already imagining all the bosom we could do.We would play dolls and house together, wed play in the tree house in the backyard, wed make forts out of blankets in the existing room, there was just so many things that I wanted to play but would end up doing alone. There wasnt much anyone else said, beside the forced-like Congratulations. My parents didnt say much at all, they werent thrilled at the idea of my sister having a child at eighteen but they as well didnt yell at her because they knew it wasnt going to change anything. Later that night my mom asked me, So what do you think about what your sister told us earlier? Im so hallucinating I replied, I cant wait to have someone to play with and do stuff with You know youre not going to get as much attention as you get now, right? She told me. Were not going to be able to buy you very many toys anymore, your sister is going to claim all the help she can get. I have to admit hearing I wasnt going to get any new toys was somewhat upsetting, but I got oer it. whole I wanted now was for my niece to arrive As my sister grew bigger and bigger so did my vehemence to finally see my baby niece.Nine months flew right by, and on February 15, 2002 my beautiful niece was born. Unfortunately I wasnt allowed to go to the hospital when she was born, not only because I was t oo young but also because it was late at night, but I couldnt sleep regardless. I was so anxious for my sister to come kinfolk with the baby there was just no way I was going to sleep. I waited in the living room, hoping that someone would walk in through the front door. Finally, I see my parents come in and I run right past them wanting to make sure my sister was walking in with the baby behind them. To my disappointment she wasnt.I turned around to ask my parents where she was but before I could say anything my mom smiled and said to me, Youre sister is still at the hospital with the baby. She named her Hailey Hannah. Hailey Hannah. I repeated, I love it afterwards that, my parents sent me off to bed but I still couldnt sleep. I kept restate Haileys name in my head, I even imagined myself express everyone at school Hi Coach, I have a niece now. Her name is Hailey Hannah Hey Summer Im an aunt now, and my nieces name is Hailey Hannah correct Morning Mrs. Adams, my sister had a baby and her name is Hailey Hannah I loved itI wanted to let everyone know that I had just become an aunt I vowed to myself that I would be the trump aunt I could be. I would play with her, help her with whatever she needed, look after her, protect her, and anything else I need to do to make her safe and halcyon. The next day the whole family woke up bright and early to go visit my sister and Hailey at the Hospital. I couldnt wait The anticipation was building as we walked into the hospital and walked towards the room where they were also waiting to see us all. As soon as I walked in the door, I saw my sister lying in bed holding my newborn niece.My heart was telling me to run towards them, jump on the bed, and lay there with them both. My mind told me different. After all I didnt want to be the first in the family to make her cry So I kept calm, and walked over to them with the biggest smile that has ever been on my face. As I touched her soft little head she undecided her e yes, looked up at me, and slightly smiled. It made me laugh because it made me think that she was just as happy to see me as I was I to see her. Now my Hailey is about to turn ten, and she is definitely my best friend and it really feels as if she is my little sister.She has grown so much and so fast that its hard to believe how much time has passed. I was there when she took her first bath, took her first steps, got her first haircut, and befuddled her first tooth. Ive watched her dance at her dance recitals Ive cheered her on at her soccer games, and back up her when she sang with the choir at her elementary school. Ive learned so much about myself from universe with Hailey that I think shes the reason why I love being around children so much and that Ive chosen to major in Education in College. Its safe to say that becoming an aunt is definitely the greatest event of my life.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Open Work Space Research Essay
The Study Recently in the solve lay, thither seems to be a shift from this traditional cubicle style to a more than have surroundings for the employees. This shift has me questioning why atomic number 18 advanced(a) companies shifting towards this more open milieu? It seems that these companies ar looking non only for a change in scenery, scarce a change in the how there employees utilize the environment.During this study, I will substance abuse a design of sources in order to reckon a comma NYSE hammer space environment and early(a) information pertaining the architectural picture of a company. The questions especially want to explore atomic number 18 How does the open tendspace effect the collaboration between employees? How does this work space attempt to nurture an environment for creativity and innovation? Informational Sources The sources have used ranged from a variety of displaces.The information I collected from Kidders studio apartment and Kramer e xcogitation Group was a large group call into question which was required for a summer class where we studied cultures of creativity in Detroit, Michigan. These two interviews took place on August 24, 2013. The large group interview overly included a tour of both companies to in reality see the working environment firsthand. Field nones were also taken to help record detailed descriptions of the environment at both companies. Another source used for this explore included an online magazine called 991. . This magazine publishes research in a condensed and easy to understand format for the general public. It described research on how to mannequin a cooperative work space. I read this to help better my understanding of what a collaborative work space might look like and what re tightly fitting to key components for a fictive work space. Also watched a video created by Wall Street Journal on Googles innovative York work space because, have neer been there. This video allowe d me to visually see the environment where Google employees work.Another source apply was a prCICS completed from an article called Building Research and Information. It included research done in this empyrean which helped me orient myself with prior research already completed on this topic. Previous Research Completed on Work Space Environment One research prCICS I looked at included the importance of collaboration in the work space. They looked at three behaviors that contribute to effective collaboration awargonness, brief interaction, and collaboration (working to get hold ofher) (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, par. 2).This confines aw areness means to understand what is going on in the environment almost you. You are fitting to process this through with(predicate) spatial features that promote awareness and organizational factors that allow you to see other employees (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, pars. 4-5). They state Some benefits to t his high awareness Were rapid information sharing and ability to recognize when other employees were struggling Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, par. 6). tho there are around concerns for high awareness in a collaborative environment also.It gouge be distracting, noisy from employees talking, and create a loss of privacy for the workers (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, par. 7). Another term hash outed was brief interactions which means ad hoc and short discussions you have with other employees. This results in spatial features that promote interaction and organizational factors that allow you to make a motion into other employees (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, pars. 9-10). Some benefits include improved information flow, increased learning, and increased development Of friendships (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, par. 1). There are, how ever, some drawbacks which include a high potential for stress, an increase in distra ctions, and the potential for over communicating with employees (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, par. 12). The other term discussed in the prCICS was collaboration. Collaboration in the work space brook result in organizational factors that allow employees to work in project rooms (Hangmen, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, ears. 18-19). Some benefits from these project rooms are quick answers, access to other team members, and better project tracking (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, par. 0). Despite these benefits, there are some concerns including the possibility for information overload, a shorter sum total of time on certain tasks, and less privacy for employees (Hearing, Compromisers, Powell, and Loftiness, par. 21). Evaluating Google and 2 Outside Innovative Companies Google is the company which typifies an open work space concept. However, I needed to use Kidders Studio and Kramer Design Group in Detroit, Michigan because they were local and accessible. Both of these companies were much smaller than Google.However, there are innovative and utilize the open work space concept. Google is known for their web search engine and turn in to make information easily accessible to the users. The Google New York campus occupies an entire floor and parts of other floors in a make covering an entire city block in Manhattans Chelsea neighborhood (Alter, par. 7). This campus has grown from around 2,000 employees to go aboutly 3,000 and hiring in the areas of media and advertising (Jordan). Due to the arrival of additional employees, the newly hired have had to instigate from floor to floor (Jordan).In this campus as opposed to te Valley, it is less tech focused and reach outs the employees a more natural working environment (Jordan). Googles competitive and innovative nature attracts legion(predicate) young employees to their company. Despite Googles large benefits, there is still a high turnover rate, which means they have a limited amount of time with their employees. Kidders Studio is an innovative company which is a part Of the creative community in Detroit, Michigan. Since 1 959, Kidders Studio has earned a beat fitting name for solving problems with designs.They started off-key solving problems by plan logos for the automotive companies in Detroit. In 201 1, Kidders moved to their new location on Broadway Street near the Detroit Tigers Stadium. Their diverse team of 25 place employees design logos and websites for advertisements, but their goal is to create the wonderworking (Patrick). They started with 16 employees and are looking to expand to 35 employees. Some of their biggest clients are Dave and Busters, Detroit Tigers, and Andiron Restaurant. At Kramer Design Group in Detroit, they specialize in conception the inside(prenominal)s of buildings.There are about 18 to 28 lot that work at the world power, because there are only 28 desks available. When they work with their clients, they f ocus on creating a particular environment in order to invoke a certain feeling (Kramer). They strive for audience to the client. However, sometimes the client does not know what they want until you show it to them. This company provides swatches of materials to help visualize the intersection or prototype built. They are known for creating traditional architecture, hotels, and presidential lofts. They have completed such projects in Detroit like theMadison Building, Broodier Towers, and Whitney Building (Kramer). Kramer Design Group is starting to dispel up some business end-to-end the state. Kramer Design Group and Kidders Studio Work Space Company ices are redesigning regions in order to get a more spacious working environment for their employees. This open work space is intended to foster creativity and innovation. Designing a place to rise creativity takes a lot of work not only on the companies half, but on the architects half as well. It is important the architect works in collaboration with their client to create a specific environment.In this case, the architect needs to create an environment that is not only functional to the employees, but pleasing to the customer. Open office spaces seem to fuel this creativity through the collaboration of diverse groups of people, the flexibility of the work space, and the atmosphere of the room with numerous examples from Detroit, Machines Kidders Studio and Kramer Design Group. A key component to this creativity and innovation is allowing the mixture of diverse groups of people to work together in an open area.To define diverse, this word is meant to describe how individuals with various job titles and functions can ark cohesively together. Providing people an open environment encourages unaffixed connections to be made and ideas to be bounced off one another (Patrick). For example, at Kidders Studio, their work place fosters an environment where colleagues can collaborate with each other (Patrick). The st udio is set up with no doors on any of the offices, even the Coos office. Over the years, the company has developed this process to be successful.During their meetings, they encourage administrative workers, designers, marketers, and writers to insight ideas for projects (Patrick). These brainstorming sessions involve everyone in the company to work on a project where titles mean energy (Patrick). Sometimes, disagreement can be a bad thing. But it has become a useful turncock because, it encourages ideas to be explored and defended by the creator (Patrick). The end result is a better thought out ascendant which provides the customer with an outstanding product.Creating flexibility in the work space seems to be another crucial constituent which allows this creativity and innovation to flourish. Kramer Design Group utilizes the portability and disability of the room to create an environment where creativity is maximized. The movable chairs in the lunch space allow the user to re arrange the space. The emphasis on designing a flexible work space allows people to freely converse amongst one another (Kramer). It also gives the workers an environment which allows easy access to coworkers (Kramer).Some of the offices have glass walls to give the illusion of a more open space (Kramer). One thing that stands out is there are few private offices. Private offices close workers off from the company and do not allow for ideas to be exchanged while the open spaces help go creativity. In an open space, the atmosphere plays an important role in the minimization of creativity and innovation. Kramer Design Groups office is designed with a level of sophistication and professionalism to illustrate their knowledge in the design field (Kramer).The bit you step into the office, it is meant to create a feeling bigger than meets the eye. There is wall to wall glass to give an expansive feeling to the area and it makes the ceiling appear taller (Kramer). In the hallway, there ar e columns spaced affect distances apart and a white strip on the carpet to give the illusion of a never ending hall (Kramer). Even the lighting plays into the comfortable ambiance of the room with their modern looking lights which use some incandescent lighting. Their office provides a creative, yet comfortable environment.It allows their employees to think freely in the office with the respect of their fellow colleagues. Googles Innovative Design Googles New York campus has a similar goal in their office design like Kidders Studio and Kramer Design Group. All of the design is meant to encourage interaction between structurally separate teams (Jordan). By implementing this open work space, it influences the way groups of Googles collaborate. Googles intention by using an open work space is to create an environment specifically for the interaction between the workers.A fun design plan Googles architects implemented is the vertical race chutes between floors, because the elevators a re never known to be on time. This vertical ladder chute promotes unplanned collaborations (Alter, par. 7). Another touch Google added was giving the employees a bag to place their laptop in while climbing up the ladder (Jordan). This bag helped Googles minimize the chance of dropping their laptops. When workers causally intermingle, it encourages informal connections to be made among colleagues. Senior software engineer, Mike Labels moved from Googles Silicon Valley to Googles New York campus.At Googles Silicon Valley, their offices are created as an individual place with their own unique perks and specific design, which help the worker partake to their environment Road). Since Labels has transferred to Googles New York office, he feels that coming to work here you will not mistake you are in some room at an ordinary building you will know you are at Google in New York (Jordan). It seems Googles New York office has created their own city within their building. Even some of their host rooms are designed as a New York apartment to create a close environment for colleagues to collaborate within.Directly outside these conference rooms, it is setup like city with a fire hydrant, thermionic vacuum tube grates on the floor, and a narrow hallway with a cityscape on the wall (Jordan). This use of schematics throughout areas of their building makes it seem like the real New York City outside of the building. Collaboration is a hefty thing, but too much can also be a bad thing sometimes. There are many places to get away from the hustle and bustle of the office area. These areas include a reflecting room, a library, a private hone booth, and more. The library is dotted with Victorian photos from Star Wars hanging on the walls (Jordan).There are also secret door bookcases leading to refection or reading rooms (Jordan). Throughout the library are many books to help employees on coding, programming and working with different types of computers (Jordan). One of the cool est features is the virtual wall of books where employees can transfer books to their phones (Jordan). Theses rooms are meant to give the workers a place to escape to when they get stressed at work. Google jobs can cause high stress because Of all the work demands. They can stop by the library and pick out a book or even download one from the virtual wall.By creating this comfortable environment, it gives the employees a place to relieve their stress. Regional facilities manager, Laura Gimped mentioned with groups growing in Google how proprieties and juxtaposition effect the workers interactions (loran). Laura understands generally information and ideas are shared with co-workers who are nearby. This is part of the reason that Google has positioned their offices no more than 150 feet away from food to enhance informal interactions between its employees. So at any office location there s a micro-kitchen, a restaurant, or cafeteria nearby.This place encourages fellow Googles to go g rab a bite to eat whenever and where ever they may be in the building (Jordan). Their set up enables employees to bump into coworkers from different teams within the work space (Alter, par. 8). She has taken into account the growth of the company with an eye towards this idea of casual collision in the work space (Jordan). This allows fellow Googles to have the opportunity to discuss an idea with someone they normally do not work with (Jordan). Some of the greatest ideas are chirk upd from unexpected inventions between people.Findings Coming from an architectural background has enabled me to see rooms differently from other people. However, after this research, I was able to look at a room and see the choices and decisions the architect had to make in designing the room. For example, their placement of furniture, walls, doors and windows in a room plays a critical role in how the work space is used. The way an architect designs a room rattling plays an important role for what the customer in the end wants. Each of the companies I research ultimately had a similar goal through using the open work space concept.Kidders goals was to create the awful through logos and design. Their office design fostered their employees to be creative. Kramer Design Group specialized in interior designing. Their open work space also did the same by providing their employees with a creative environment. Both of these places were designed, so the employees interacted regularly in order to get their ideas. Through my research even though did not actually visit, Google, the above examples helped me visualize what I could not see at Google. I have come to greater appreciate the open work space concept and its purpose atGoogle is to maximize its employees creativity. Through my research on open work spaces at Google, I have come to understand the choices the architects had to make while designing Googles New York office. They choose to design the environment with many unique feature s to enhance the collaboration between employees. I have now come to see that through creating an open work space it results in good ideas from employees. Essentially, these good ideas are able to be obtained through creating these unexpected conversations and casual collisions. This new understanding can help companies understand ways to obtain ideas from their employees.Through creating this type of environment similar to Google, companies will be able to design an environment to maximize the productivity of workers. Conclusion Google is known as the gold standard for innovation and creativity. Their architects have used the open work space to help them achieve this goal. Through the design of the open work space, Googles from different teams or backgrounds bump into each other casually throughout the day. The intent is for these Googles to discuss an idea with someone they may not work with daily. This chance interaction may be the accelerator pedal for a new and creative idea.T his new open work space approach is intended to inspire its employees and support creativity where new ideas can be developed and new discoveries made. Further Questions If another research paper was completed, it may be raise to see how other innovative companies like Apple, Paxar, and Twitter are set up in regards to their work space design. It would be interesting to see how these companies layout their work space, because there could be similar correlations to how their employees collaborate like Google. In order to answer this question, you would need to look at the interactions between the errors of the company.Since work spaces are always being remodeled by companies, it would be interesting to track innovative companies over the next five year to see how their work space changed over time. It would be exemplar to interview employees throughout the change of the work space to see how it has effected them. It may be interesting to also speak to the management to determine wh ether there were more ideas generated in the newer work space than in the current type work space. This could help understand the reason behind why companies design a creative environment for their workers.
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