Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Admission paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Confirmation paper - Essay Example Moreover, I accept that one ought to never stop to learn. Regardless of whether it is learning you do through training or learning one does through composition, an individual is and consistently ought to be in a condition of learning. Without learning one gets stale and it’s neither useful for the individual himself nor is it useful for society. I am an enrolled nurture since 2002 and have been working in various situations as an attendant from that point onwards. I have offered administrations to geriatric and I enjoyed working for the matured people since it gave me a feeling of accomplishment when they rested easy thinking about their lives. I have likewise filled in as an attendant at a center. In addition I have additionally filled in as medical attendant rewarding patients who were on dialysis and as a medications serge nurture. Every one of these encounters helped me learn a certain something or the other about patients and their issues. I need to learn increasingly commonsense methodologies through Empire State College. Also I need to accomplish my objective which is to become renal attendant professional. I think learning at Empire State College can assist me with accomplishing this objective. I have a solid will and uplifting mentality which assist me with cruising through all the troubles and weights that I face as a medical attendant on occasion. I have a decent encounter and I have taken in a great deal any place I have worked. I am a striver and being energetic about nursing causes me be a superior medical attendant. Which is the reason, I need to realize what Empire State College brings to the table me so as to carry out my responsibility in a superior manner. I might want to utilize this chance of passageway in Empire State College to prepare myself and to have the option to become renal medical attendant expert, with the goal that I can help the individuals who are enduring and whom I can help in my ability as an attendant. I need to utilize the mending power that I have as a medical caretaker in a viable
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Comparing Truth in Death Of A Salesman and The Glass Menagerie Essay
Looking for Truth in Death Of A Salesman and The Glass Menagerie   â â â Often society looks to defeat the longing of specific individuals to discover or potentially face reality. Instances of this are found throughut writing. Two phenomenal case of this are Biff Loman from 'The Death Of A Salesman' and Tom Wingfield from 'The Glass Menagerie'. Sooner or later, the two of them need to confront and comprehend reality with regards to their lives. Biff is confronted with the untruths andâ ethics of society fixated on the degenerate variant of American Dream, particularly his dad, and his failure to seek after his own objectives and dreams. Tom is confronted with the tragic truth of life in his family and the craving to get away from it.  Biff Loman experienced childhood in a group of a sales rep. He had a sensibly cheerful youth, and an extraordinary school vocation. He was acceptable at American Football and won a football grant. His dad, Willy Loman, was in every case pleased with his child and consistently lauded him and put him above others. Tragically, Willy's life reasoning was destroyed by the defiled form of the American Dream. He accepted that the way to joy is cash and achievement and the an individual doesn't really needs to make a solid effort to accomplish it. Biff grew up with those thoughts and they impacted him a ton. Be that as it may, when he got his dad with another lady, the acknowledgment of the falsehood and debasement turned his life around. He no longer has confidence in his dad or the fantasy, and lives a... ...Sprout, Harold. Presentation. Tennessee Williams. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1987. 1-8. Killjoy, Alan S. American Drama and Its Critics. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1965]. pp. 218-239. Hayashi, Tetsumaro.â Arthur Miller Criticism.â Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1969. Toll, Eric P. 'Through Soundproof Glass': The Prison of Self Consciousness in The Glass Menagerie. Modern Drama, 36. December 1993. 529-537. Mill operator, Arthur.â Death of a Salesman.â New York: Viking, 1965. Williams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie. In Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing, fourth ed. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995. 1519-1568. Contrasting Truth in Death Of A Salesman and The Glass Menagerie Essay Looking for Truth in Death Of A Salesman and The Glass Menagerie   â â â Often society tries to defeat the craving of specific individuals to discover and additionally face reality. Instances of this are found throughut writing. Two superb case of this are Biff Loman from 'The Death Of A Salesman' and Tom Wingfield from 'The Glass Menagerie'. Eventually, the two of them need to confront and comprehend reality with regards to their lives. Biff is confronted with the untruths andâ ethics of society fixated on the degenerate adaptation of American Dream, particularly his dad, and his failure to seek after his own objectives and dreams. Tom is confronted with the tragic truth of life in his family and the longing to get away from it.  Biff Loman experienced childhood in a group of a sales rep. He had a sensibly glad adolescence, and an incredible school profession. He was acceptable at American Football and won a football grant. His dad, Willy Loman, was in every case extremely glad for his child and consistently lauded him and put him above others. Sadly, Willy's life theory was destroyed by the undermined adaptation of the American Dream. He accepted that the way to bliss is cash and achievement and the an individual doesn't really needs to endeavor to accomplish it. Biff grew up with those thoughts and they impacted him a great deal. Be that as it may, when he got his dad with another lady, the acknowledgment of the falsehood and defilement turned his life around. He no longer has faith in his dad or the fantasy, and lives a... ...Blossom, Harold. Presentation. Tennessee Williams. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1987. 1-8. Killjoy, Alan S. American Drama and Its Critics. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1965]. pp. 218-239. Hayashi, Tetsumaro.â Arthur Miller Criticism.â Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1969. Duty, Eric P. 'Through Soundproof Glass': The Prison of Self Consciousness in The Glass Menagerie. Modern Drama, 36. December 1993. 529-537. Mill operator, Arthur.â Death of a Salesman.â New York: Viking, 1965. Williams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie. In Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing, fourth ed. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995. 1519-1568.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
What Is Dissociation in Borderline Personality Disorder
What Is Dissociation in Borderline Personality Disorder BPD Print What Is Dissociation in Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)? By Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Eastern Connecticut State University. Learn about our editorial policy Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Updated on September 11, 2019 Caiaimage / Paul Bradbury/ Getty Images More in BPD Diagnosis Treatment Living With BPD Related Conditions In This Article Table of Contents Expand Symptoms Causes Treatment Dissociative Disorders View All Back To Top You may be surprised to learn that those times when you zone out, feel unreal, or when things around you look strange or unfamiliar can mean youre experiencing dissociation. This is a common occurrence for people with borderline personality disorder (BPD). In fact, around 75% to 80% of people with BDP experience stress-related dissociation.?? Though it can be difficult to understand, in broad terms, dissociation represents a disconnect between your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, perceptions, memories, and identity. Symptoms Dissociation during times of stress is one of the main symptoms of BPD. Its also associated with acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), both of which can co-occur with BPD. After years of study, researchers are now able to describe the experiences that go along with dissociation, such as:?? Depersonalization: This is a feeling of separation between yourself and your body. People who experience depersonalization may say that they feel like theyre observing their own body from the outside, or as if theyre in a dream.Derealization: Similar to depersonalization, derealization is a feeling of being detached from the external world, such as from other people or objects. It may cause familiar things to look strange, unreal, or unfamiliar. Derealization and depersonalization often occur at the same time.Amnesia: Some people who experience dissociation have periods of amnesia or losing time. They may have minutes to hours or days when they were awake but cant remember where they were or what they were doing.Identity confusion: This occurs when you experience an inner struggle about who you really are.Identity alteration: When you sense that you act like a different person some of the time, this is identity alteration. For instance, you may see things in your home that you dont recognize, perform a skill that you dont remember learning or others will say youre acting like a different person. Mild identity alteration is common in the general population; for instance, changing your name. The key is that it doesnt cause problems with everyday functioning or relationships. In other words, youre aware of your identity or role change. Moderate identity alteration is common in BPD and involves changes in mood or behavior that are not under your control. If you havent ever experienced dissociationâ€"and not everyone with BPD doesâ€"you may be puzzled by these descriptions. But even if you dont experience dissociation frequently or its not very severe, almost everyone has experienced mild forms of dissociation from time to time. Common examples of mild dissociation in everyday life are zoning outâ€"when you cant remember what you were thinking or doingâ€"while youre driving on a highway, causing you to miss your exit; daydreaming; and getting so caught up in a book or movie that youre unaware of anything else. Causes The exact cause of dissociation is unclear, but it often affects people who have experienced repetitive, overwhelming trauma, such as severe childhood abuse or neglect.?? Its your brains way of coping in order to separate yourself from the trauma so it becomes more bearable. If you learned to dissociate during times of extreme stress as a child, this likely affected the way your concept of yourself developed and it may have carried over into how you react to stressful situations as an adult. However, this sort of trauma doesnt necessarily cause dissociation to develop, nor do you have to have experienced it to have symptoms of dissociation. Preliminary research exploring neuroimaging in people with dissociative symptoms in BPD has shown that there may actually be changes in the way the brain functions and communicates that contribute to dissociation.?? Using imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) scans on people with dissociation and BPD, researchers have found evidence of decreased activity in the limbic temporal areas of the brain, increased activity in the frontal area of the brain, and changes in communication between the two areas. Further study in this area may help sort out which brain processes are related to which dissociative symptoms, as well as make psychotherapy even more targeted and beneficial for people who experience dissociation. Treatment Treatments for BPD such as dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) often include components that can help reduce dissociation. Usually, treatment for dissociation is based on building skills that help you to reconnect with yourself, the present moment, and your current surroundings. Grounding is one skill that can be used to reduce dissociation. Grounding exercises involve using external stimuli and your five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste) to reconnect with the present. For example, in a visual grounding exercise, youre instructed to observe small details about the environment around you until you are feeling more connected. Some people respond better to grounding exercises that use sensation. For instance, holding on to an ice cube for a few moments, chewing a piece of minty gum, or smelling a lemon can help to bring you back to the present moment. Dissociative Disorders There are some mental health disorders that include dissociation as a central feature rather than a symptom. For example, dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a disorder that is thought to be the result of very severe dissociation which causes a person to develop different personalities. The vast majority of people with dissociative identity disorder have experienced childhood abuse, such as physical and/or sexual abuse, and neglect.?? Besides dissociative identity disorder, the two other main dissociative orders according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)â€"the gold standard for diagnosing mental health conditionsâ€"include: Dissociative amnesiaDepersonalization/derealization disorder A Word From Verywell Stress-related dissociative symptoms occur in the majority of people with BPD. Even so, there is certainly a spectrum of severity, meaning some people with BPD experience minimal or mild symptoms of dissociation whereas others experience more severe symptoms. Research suggests that this severity may be linked to each individuals history of abuse and trauma. If you or a loved one is being treated for BPD with dissociative symptoms, or a dissociative disorder, therapy can be challenging and intense, as you or your loved one may have to remember past trauma. But if you stick with it, therapy can help you take back power over dissociative symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.
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