Thursday, December 26, 2019
`` Cold Sassy Tree `` By Olive Ann Burns - 1647 Words
The town of Cold Sassy is simply a traditional southern town. From family values to back alley gossip, the citizens of Cold Sassy play the role of southern parody in society. On the outside it appears to be genuine, caring and communal environment, but just like any community, its roots grow far deeper than its outward appearance. This is not an accident either, as author Olive Ann Burns writes this novel, Cold Sassy Tree, to emphasize intentionally the crooked nature of small, southern towns, and by extension, southern heritage as a whole. Through her characters, Burns paints a playful picture of misconception, polarization, conformity, and perseverance, and their weaving in and out of the culture of her fictional town. It is†¦show more content†¦Mill Town is, as its name boldly declares, the blue-collar hub of this southern sector. The citizens of Mill Town work the mill, which provides much of Cold Sassy’s resources. Despite this relationship, the people of Cold Sassy see the people of Mill Town as lesser than themselves. When writing about his encounters with Lightfoot McLendon, Will states, â€Å"The girl didn’t seem to have heard yet that nobody in Mill Town ever amounted to anything.†(Burns 71) As much insight as this quote provides into the thought processes of not only Will, but into the whole of Cold Sassy, Will further illustrates the division when he discusses what people would think if they were to find out about his forbidden feelings for Lightfoot. â€Å"I went from hoping I’d see Lightfoot to hoping I wouldn’t. It was one thing to like her at school and nobody know it. Here in Mill Town at my crosstie stage, folks would suspicion her if they saw me acting friendly.†(Burns 70) It is clear from these statements that the people of Cold Sassy are heavily prejudiced against those that consider to be of a lower class. This causes extreme division among the people, even to the extent th at they cannot associate with one another. While these examples of division are fairly obvious in the text of Cold Sassy Tree, the final source of division among the people is far more subliminal. There exists in the roots of Cold Sassy reliance upon tradition and cultural norms. They live by an unspokenShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Cold Sassy Tree By Olive Ann Burns1236 Words  | 5 PagesKiyara Lanier U.S. History 1 Allison Doolittle November 7,2016 Novel Analysis of Cold Sassy Tree Cold Sassy Tree is a fictional story written by Olive Ann Burns which details the life of a family in Cold Sassy, Georgia. The story is being told from the perspective of a teenager named Will Tweedy. The plot is focused around the love and marriage between Rucker Blakeslee and Love Simpson. There is a huge uproar and disdain from the family as well as the townspeople over the relationshipRead MoreSociological Themes In Cold Sassy Tree By Olive Ann Burns1594 Words  | 7 PagesTry Something â€Å"When you don’t know which way to turn, son, try something. Don’t jest do nothin’†(Burns, 2007, p. 315). In Cold Sassy Tree, Grandpa Blakeslee takes his own advice when he does â€Å"something†that will truly affect the lives of everyone around him. Written by Olive Ann Burns, Cold Sassy Tree delves into the life and action of a small town in Cold Sassy, Georgia. Barely three weeks as a widower, Grandpa Blakeslee elopes with Love Simpson, a Yankee women less than half his age. Their marriageRead More Religion and Coming of Age in Olive Ann Burns’ Novel, Cold Sassy Tree502 Words  | 3 PagesComing of Age in Olive Ann Burns’ Novel, Cold Sassy Tree In the small southern town of Cold Sassy, Georgia, at the turn of the twentieth century, teenage boys had to grow up fast. They were not in any way sheltered from the daily activities of the town. This was especially true for fourteen year old Will Tweedy. Olive Ann Burns’ first, and only completed novel, Cold Sassy Tree, tells of young Will’s coming-of-age. His experiences with religion, progress, and death in Cold Sassy escorted him alongRead More The Journey Through The Differences In Relationships in Cold Sassy Tree1658 Words  | 7 PagesThe Journey Through The Differences In Relationships in Cold Sassy Tree Dating back to the early 1900’s and all the way through to the present, romantic relationships have been viewed differently. From strict unwritten dating regulations to not having regulations at all, recent generations have become more liberated in making their own decisions. The progressing times have made us become a more accepting society and have caused a decrease in the strong practice of religion and class. EvenRead MoreEssay on Cold Sassy Tree Character Analysis Will Tweedy866 Words  | 4 PagesLiterature April 11, 2013 Character Analysis Struggles in life influence people to develop into who they will truly be. The struggles depicted in Cold Sassy Tree by Olive Ann Burns caused certain characters to be the way they are. Will Tweedy is the narrator and the main character in the novel. He is a fourteen-year-old boy growing up in Cold Sassy, Georgia. As a young adult with a free spirit, he appears to be very defiant throughout his teenage years. After Will’s grandmother, Mattie Lou, dies
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Newton s Three Laws Of Motion - 1021 Words
Newton’s Three Laws of Motion Timmo Wooldridge 11/18/2015 Sir Isaac Newton’s laws of motion are three physical laws that made the foundation for modern mechanics. They describe the relationship between the body and the forces upon it, and it’s response to the motion. Sir Isaac Newton was one of the greatest scientists and mathematicians that ever lived, born in England on December 25, 1643, the same year that Galileo died. He went to Trinity college in Cambridge. While he was in college, Newton had new ideas about motion, which he called Newton’s three laws of motion. He also had ideas about gravity, the diffraction of light, and forces. His ideas were so great that in 1705, Queen Anne knighted him. What Newton’s three laws of motion, and what did they do? Newton’s laws made the foundation for modern science and changed the world. Newton s first law of motion states that â€Å"An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by an unbalanced force. An object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.†( Newton s 3 Laws of Motion) This means that objects that are already moving tend to stay moving. If there is an unbalanced force than it will affect the motion. There are two parts to this statement. One that predicts what the behavior of stationary objects will be, and the other part that predicts the behavior of moving objects.†The way of all objects can be described by saying thatShow MoreRelatedIsaac Newton s Three Laws Of Motion Essay1370 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction†¨ In 1686, Sir Isaac Newton penned his three laws of motion in his book, Principia Mathematica Philosophiae Naturalis. His first law states, â€Å"Every body perseveres in its state of rest†¦ unless it is compelled to change that stat e by forces impressed thereon†(Newton 1686, p. 83). As a result, his second law is built upon this principle, â€Å"The alteration of motion is ever proportional to the motive forces impressed†(Newton 1686, p. 83). Furthermore, Newton’s third law, perhaps the most famousRead MoreApplying Newton s Three Laws Of Motion2044 Words  | 9 Pagesbefore it s due like I did. I think my car should be able to travel at least 6 meters if not more. The purpose of this project is to apply newton s three laws of motion. The first law is that every object in a state of uniform motion tend to remain in the same state of motion unless an external force is applied to it. Newton s second law of motion pertains to the behavior of objects for which all existing forces are not balanced. The second law states that the accelerate. His third law is that forRead MoreSir Isaac Newton s Three Laws Of Motion1163 Words  | 5 PagesIsaac Newton’s three laws of motion, these events can easily be explained. Sir Isaac Newton’s three laws of motion are rules of nature which provide the means to see how so many aspects of life beautifully connect with one another. The first law consists of objects that are at rest remain at rest and vice versa for objects in motion. The second law relates to behavior of objects in which existing forces are not balanced. The third law consists of action-reaction. Overall, Sir Isaac Newton was one ofRe ad MoreBiography Of Isaac Newton s Three Laws Of Motion1003 Words  | 5 PagesIsaac Newton was an English mathematician, astronomer, and physicist who had developed his three laws of motion by the age of 23. He was born in 1642 the same year the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei died. Galileo’s work helped to influence or set the stage for the development and creation of Newton’s three laws. Newton’s three laws of motion consists of the first law which is the concepts of inertia, second law which is relating acceleration to its cause and lastly the third law which is actionRead MoreNewton s Laws Of Motion936 Words  | 4 PagesPhysical Science Level 1 18 October 2015 Newton’s Laws of Motion Newton s three laws of motion play a huge role in our everyday life; from driving down the road and catching a baseball. Newton’s laws help us fully understand gravity, motion, and force in three easy-to-understand laws. Newton’s first law of motion describes that an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force. Newton’s first law can also be called the law of inertia. This is true because inertia is anRead MoreNewton s Laws Of Motion1490 Words  | 6 PagesPhysical Science L1 Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion 22 October 2015 Emma Trull Mr. Moore Physical Science L1 Research Paper: Newton’s Laws of Motion 22 October 2015 Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion Isaac Newton was a physicist and mathematician of the 17th century. Newton developed the principles of modern physics. He created the three laws of motion popular in the world of science and our daily lives (Issac Newton Biography). Newton’s first law states that an object at restRead MoreIsaac Newton s Theory Of Motion855 Words  | 4 PagesIsaac newton on about three different topics. Who is Isaac Newton? Isaac newton was born on January 4, 1643 in woolsThorpe-by-colsterworth, United Kingdom and died on March 31, 1727 Kensington, London, and United Kingdom. Isaac newton s occupations were philosopher, Astronomer, Physicist, scientist, and Mathematician. What did he do? There’s a legend about him that he discovered gravity when he saw a falling apple. Isaac newton also discovered the color spectrum and developed the three laws of motionRead MoreThe Genius Of Sir Isaac Newton1687 Words  | 7 Pages History has had its fair share of phenomenal scientists, but none can overshadow the genius of Sir Isaac Newton. Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643. His father died before he was born and he lived in Colsterworth in Lincolnshire with his grandparents and three siblings. Isaac Newton was know to be quite secluded as a young boy. Young Newton had a knack for model making and art, for example, he made a working model of a windmill at some point in his childhood. He also made other things suchRead MoreThe Contributions of Isaac Newton to The Scientific Revolution1064 Words  | 5 Pagesbased on. An influential figure of the Scientific Revolution is Sir Isaac Newton. He made many advancements in the field of science and mathematics, he discovered Gravity, developed the three basic laws of motion, and co-development of Calculus. Isaac Newton did several thing that positively affected the scientific community during the Scientific Revolution and still affect society today, he re cognized the three laws of motion, discovered gravity, and co-developed calculus. The scientific revolutionRead MoreNewton s Laws Of Motion1027 Words  | 5 PagesBack before Newton, scientist held their own perceptions about motion, gravity ,etc. They didn t really understand the whole concept of motion nor gravity. Before Newton, the world was not as advanced as today. There were no planes, no rockets, no walking on the moon, no cars, and the list can go on. However, it wasn’t until Newton came and cleared the confusion scientist and people had about the universe and motion. Sir Isaac Newton, discovered the three laws of motion. Everyday, human experience
Monday, December 9, 2019
Value-Based System Organization
Question: Describe about the Value-Based System for Organization? Answer: Introduction The case study deals with the speakers issue on today definition of success. He is concerned about the value-based system which should be the part of organization rather that only achieving financial success with bad behavior. He has compromised his career for achieving the same and is working towards developing and brings changes in the organization. He is working towards achieving goals where leadership positions support the changes in the organization and will bring new value driven culture for the upcoming ambitious workers. Case Study: I agree with the speakers view that The problem with waiting it out in this way is that all the compromises can change you . He has said this very correctly that the people today are compromising the value based system for the other benefits they are getting. They are procrastinating it to a future course of action when they are being promoted or being more powerful. Such behavior will be imbibed as personality trait if they continue doing the same. Later on when they become more powerful in the organization, they may still not be able to do it because of the past behavior and action trend they have been following. So, there is a serious implication of this behavior (Chapouthier, 2004). I agree with the speakers view that The higher I have gone in my career, the more limited and pressured I often feel with regards to my values. It is because of the reason that with the growing power the number of responsibilities also grows and there is more to lose at personal and professional front. Hence, people become more sophisticated and have learned the art of marketing themselves (Green, 2006). So the options at the higher level are less whereas the pressure to act right is more. Speaker describes that it difficult to stick with the values every time while working in any organization even if you are not on the top level and it is because of the changing market environment. Everyone wants to grow up in the ladder and is saving their jobs and hence the decisions are based on this only. Whereas the speaker himself is able to stick on the value based decisions or team work because for him the other factors in life are equally important (Putnam, 2008). For him success is not always a financial success but building system that supports the team work, sharing idea and growing in a moral based organization. It was difficult for the speaker to accept the fact because he feels that why not a person who behaves fairly, ensure success, have talent, commitment and hard work is succeeding in the career whereas the person who is behaving bad is being recognized and is more successful within the team. He understands the value based and moral based systems which he want to follow but there are people who behaves badly and still succeed .So, he want trying to understand what is right and wrong between the moral based values and actual behavior on the work front. For the speaker, success stands for sharing his views within the organization, study the market system, being masters of the career and support the value based organization. For him the financial success is not the only measuring factor, he was keen to work where there are more values and morals in the system. The right behavior should be treated fairly. He has maintained this throughout his career and even left one organization because of the recognitions give to those who behaves badly (Wied , Goudena, Matthys 2005). It is important for the speaker to acknowledge the price he has paid for rigid on working with a value based system because he feels that he and several others are actually compromising their jobs and would have been more successful if they continue working with the same culture. But because they have left and they are paying price for the same, the people who are working within the same culture and are not behaving morally right are earning more (Monin, 2010). Even with this acknowledgement in his life, he still more satisfied and less frustrated with his career. He is working in on the venture where he can make value based system in real and viable for the upcoming ambitious workers. He is working on the same so that the right people are acknowledged more in the organization and he is trying to change the definition of success for many of us. He has learned that people are more diplomatic and want to more financially secure. He trying to work out that how he can bring the changes at the systematic, organisational and personal levels where the values are more important for any individual (Michael ,2011). He is learning the art of playing the leadership role wherein he can bring in such changes within the organization. The speaker is giving us a very important lesson through the case study and he is trying to make better work places. He is teaching us to be more morally driven and bring the value based systems in the organization. He also telling not to accept the bad Behavior and raising the voice against it. For me the success will be achieving more value, morals and ethics in my work and not just focusing on financial success rather giving more importance to team work, better careers and supporting leadership in developing value based organization (Anna-Marie, 2014). To make value based choice real, honest and viable alternative for the next generation of workers the organizations have to hard for it. The top management plays and important role in the system, they should begin the change from their mission and vision system where values are more important for success, their policies should reflect the same message and their decisions and actions should be based more on the value driven system. Once the changes are imbibed within the organization it will be part of their culture and everyone will work towards achieving such goal (Mike, Schinzinger, 2005). References Green, Celia (2006).Letters from Exile: Observations on a Culture in Decline. Oxford: Oxford Forum. Chapters I-XX. Chapouthier, Georges, To what extent is moral judgment natural?, European Review (GB), 2004, Nr12(2), pp179-183. Putnam, Ruth Anna. "Perceiving Facts and Values,"Philosophy73, 2008. de Wied M, Goudena PP, Matthys W (2005). "Empathy in boys with disruptive behavior disorders".Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines46(8): 86780. Monin, B; Miller, D. T. (2010). "Moral credentials and the expression of prejudice".The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology81(1). Blackburn, Simon(2001).Ethics: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp.10, 12. Michael Scriven (KF Schaffner RS Cohen, eds.) (2011).Philosophy of Science Association PSA: Boston studies in the philosophy of science, v. 20. Anna-Marie Cushan (1983/2014).Investigation into Facts and Values: Groundwork for a theory of moral conflict resolution. Mike W Martin Schinzinger R (2005).Ethics in engineering(Fourth Edition ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill Professional. p.279.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Telangana Rebellion free essay sample
The Telangana Rebellion was a peasant revolt which was later supported by the Communists. It took place in the former princely state of Hyderabad between 1946 and 1951. This was led by the Communist Party of India. [5] The revolt began in the Nalgonda district and quickly spread to the Warangal and Bidar districts. Peasant farmers and labourers revolted against the local feudal landlords (jagirdars and deshmukhs) and later against the Osman Ali Khan, Asif Jah VII. The initial aims were to do away with illegal and excessive exploitation meted out by these feudal lords in the name of bonded labour (Vetti Chakiri). The most strident demand was for all debts of the peasants to be written off. [6][7] Among the well-known individuals at the forefront of the movement were leaders like Anabheri Prabhakar Rao, Bathini Mogilaiah Goud, Doddi Komraiah, Bandi Yadagiri, Suddala Hanumanthu, Acharya Konda Lakshman Bapuji, Chakalli Iylamma,Komaram Bheem, Puchalapalli Sundaraiah, Makineni Basavapunaiah, Chandra Rajeswara Rao, Raavi Narayana Reddy, Bommagani Dharma Biksham,Arjula Ramana Reddy, the Urdu poet Makhdoom Mohiuddin, Hassan Nasir, Bhimreddy Narasimha Reddy, Mallu Venkata Narasimha Reddy, Mallu Swarajyam, Arutla Ramchandra Reddy and his wife Arutla Kamala Bai. We will write a custom essay sample on The Telangana Rebellion or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The violent phase of the movement ended after the central government sent in the army. Starting in 1951, the CPI shifted to a more moderate strategy of seeking to bring communism to India within the constraints of Indian democracy. [10] In 1937, Time magazine said Hyderabad state was the richest native state in India. Budget allocations to Telangana are generally less than 1/3 of the total Andhra Pradesh budget. There are allegations that in most years, funds allocated to Telangana were never spent. Telangana JAC leaders say that only 20% of the total Government employees, less than 10% of employees in the secretariat, and less than 5% of department heads in the Andhra Pradesh government are from Telangana.None of these allegations were proved wrong by the Sri Krishna Committee due to lack of data, and its choice to compare regions. Proponents of a separate Telangana state feel that the agreements, plans, and assurances from the legislature and Lok Sabha over the last fifty years have not been honoured, and as a consequence Telangana has remained neglected, exploited, and backward. They feel that separation is the best solution. Srikrishna Committee report The Srikrishna committee on Telangana submitted its report in two volumes to the Home Ministry of India on 30 December 2010. In an all-party meeting on 6 January 2011, the Home ministry made the 505-page Srikrishna committee report public. Section 9-3 (page 440) of the report[69]discusses six solutions. The Committee announced that they were recommending keeping the State united, and advised constitutional and statutory measures for socio-economic development and political empowerment of Telangana region through the creation of a statutorily-empowered Telangana Regional Council. Telangana leaders say the best option from the Sri Krishna committee report is the formation of separate Telangana state with Hyderabad as its capital. They plan to pressure the Central government to zero in on this option as the only workable one. The MP also lashed out at Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) President K Chandrasekhar Rao, and alleged that KCR was misusing the Telangana sentiment to get all prominent posts for his family members and people belonging to the upper caste. In the name of Telangana, KCR and his family members joined the Congress party and occupied all posts without giving a chance to weaker sections, The 2G spectrum scam involved officials in the government of India illegally undercharging mobile telephony companies for frequency allocation licenses, which they would use to create 2G subscriptions for cell phones. According to a report submitted by the Comptroller and Auditor Generalbased on money collected from 2G licenses, the loss to the exchequer was 176,379 crore (US$38. 27 billion). The issuing of the 2G licenses occurred in 2008, but the scam came to public notice when the Indian Income Tax Department investigated political lobbyist Niira Radia and the Supreme Court of India took Subramaniam Swamys complaints on record ? 2G licenses issued to private telecom players at throwaway prices in 2008 ? CAG: Spectrum scam has cost the government Rs. 1. 76 lakh crore ? CAG: Rules and procedures flouted while issuing licenses CHEAP TELECOM LICENSES *  Entry fee for spectrum licenses in 2008 pegged at 2001 prices *  Mobile subscriber base had shot up to 350 million in 2008 from 4 million in 2001 NO PROCEDURES FOLLOWED * Rules changed after the game had begun * Cut-off date for applications advanced by a week * Licenses issued on a first-come-first-served basis * No proper auction process followed, no bids invited Raja ignored advice of TRAI, Law Ministry, Finance Ministry * TRAI had recommended auctioning of spectrum at market rates Politicians involved * A. Raja, the Ex-Minister of Communications and Information Technology who was the minister when the controversial second round of spectrum allocations took place. Mr. Raja, an MP of the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam from the Nilgiris constituency, was forced to resign following the public outcry. * Arun Shourie, th e minister for Telecom during 2003 in the previous BJP regime. It was Arun Shourie who introduced the controversial technology neutral Unified Access(both Basic amp; Celluler) Services License, which allowed fixed line operators who had paid much lower license fees to offer mobile phone services, at first in the limited WLL mode (Wireless local loop) and later, following an out of court settlement between mobile operators and the BJP govt, full mobility. This gave an advantage to players like Reliance and Tata Teleservices who managed to get mobile spectrum without paying the hefty fees that earlier operators like BPL Mobile had paid. Pramod Mahajan, the minister for Telecom between 1999 and 2003. Mr. Mahajan was the minister when the BJP Government took the controversial decision to shift from a license fee based regime to a revenue sharing model which was roundly condemned both by political parties and by economic experts. [4] The Comptroller and Auditor General also filed adverse reports citing a loss of over 64,000 crore (US$13. 89 billion) caused by this decision. The crux of A. Rajas defence is that he was following a policy of 2G allocations put in place by the BJP and it ould be unfair to levy prices based on 3G spectrum to 2G licenses. Pramod Mahajan, who was seen to be friendly with various corporate houses, had been brought in to replace Jagmohan as Telecom minister just days before the decision was announced. The houses and offices of the bureaucrat were recently raided by the Central Bureau of Investigation as part of their investigations. R K Chandolia, private secretary of Raja during UPA-I when the licences were awarded. He was an Indian Economic Service officer of the 1984 batch cadre. When Raja became the Telecom Minister once again in UPA-II, Chandolia had been promoted to the Joint Secretary rank. Raja re-designated him Economic Adviser, that gave him the charge of all important policy-related work. Chandolia interacted with all the licensees. It is said that it was Chandolia who, from DDG-access services A K Srivastavas room, had handed out letters of intent to representatives of various companies. [8] The Central Bureau of Investigation on Tuesday night arrested Dynamix Balwas group managing director Shahid Usman Balwa in connection with the 2G spectrum allocation scam. Season 3 was under the leadership of Lalit Modi , however Season 4 is going to be under the leadership of Chirayu Amin. He has already promised a bigger and better IPL and has promised to run it in a transparent manner. This year there was a lot of allegation of match fixing . BCCI and its pet Indian Premier League came under Income Tax raids. IPL Season 4 is going to have 10 teams , 74 matches and 45 days of action. No player can play more than 14 matches . This rule is laid to prevent player burnout. Sony / World Sport Group has won the rights for 10 years at Rs 8,700 crore (US$ 1. 94 billion) For IPL 4 , BCCI has asked MSM to pay Rs. 190 crores extra. This extra amount is to compensate for the increase in number of matches. The extra money will be paid for the 14 matches in a pro rate basis. Mahela Jayawardene has been appointed captain of the new IPL franchise – Kochi. The 33-year-old former Sri Lankan captain was purchased by the Team Kochi for a whopping $1. 5 million at the player auction last month. Until last year for the previous 3 seasons of IndianPremier League, he was part of the Kings XI Punjab franchise. The 2010 Commonwealth Games, officially known as the XIX Commonwealth Games, were held in Delhi, India, from 3 to 14 October 2010. A total of 6,081 athletes from 71 Commonwealth nations and dependencies competed in 21 sports and 272 events. It was the largest international multi-sport event to be staged in Delhi and India, eclipsing the Asian Games in 1951 and 1982. The opening and closing ceremonies were held at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, the main stadium of the event. It was the first time that the Commonwealth Games were held in India and the second time it was held in Asia after Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia in 1998. The official mascot of the Games was Shera and the official song of the Games, Jiyo Utho Bado Jeeto, was composed by celebrated Indian musician A.R. Rahman. Initially, several concerns and controversies surfaced before the start of the Games. Despite these concerns, all member nations of the Commonwealth of Nations participated in the event, except Fiji, which is suspended from the Commonwealth, andTokelau, which didnt send a team. A widely-praised opening ceremony helped improve the image of the Games. [2][3] The concerns raised during the buildup to the Games proved largely unfounded as most events progressed smoothly. The final medal tally was led by Australia. The host nation India gave its strongest performance yet to emerge second, while England placed third. The day after the conclusion of the Games, the Indian Government announced the formation of a special investigation committee to probe the allegations of corruption and mismanagement that had marred the buildup to the Games. [4][5] India won 101 medals in total, including 38 Gold medals, enabling it to finish the Games at second position behind Australia and just ahead of England. For the first time in the history of the Games India won over 100 medals in total.
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