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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Admission paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Confirmation paper - Essay Example Moreover, I accept that one ought to never stop to learn. Regardless of whether it is learning you do through training or learning one does through composition, an individual is and consistently ought to be in a condition of learning. Without learning one gets stale and it’s neither useful for the individual himself nor is it useful for society. I am an enrolled nurture since 2002 and have been working in various situations as an attendant from that point onwards. I have offered administrations to geriatric and I enjoyed working for the matured people since it gave me a feeling of accomplishment when they rested easy thinking about their lives. I have likewise filled in as an attendant at a center. In addition I have additionally filled in as medical attendant rewarding patients who were on dialysis and as a medications serge nurture. Every one of these encounters helped me learn a certain something or the other about patients and their issues. I need to learn increasingly commonsense methodologies through Empire State College. Also I need to accomplish my objective which is to become renal attendant professional. I think learning at Empire State College can assist me with accomplishing this objective. I have a solid will and uplifting mentality which assist me with cruising through all the troubles and weights that I face as a medical attendant on occasion. I have a decent encounter and I have taken in a great deal any place I have worked. I am a striver and being energetic about nursing causes me be a superior medical attendant. Which is the reason, I need to realize what Empire State College brings to the table me so as to carry out my responsibility in a superior manner. I might want to utilize this chance of passageway in Empire State College to prepare myself and to have the option to become renal medical attendant expert, with the goal that I can help the individuals who are enduring and whom I can help in my ability as an attendant. I need to utilize the mending power that I have as a medical caretaker in a viable
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Comparing Truth in Death Of A Salesman and The Glass Menagerie Essay
Looking for Truth in Death Of A Salesman and The Glass Menagerie   â â â Often society looks to defeat the longing of specific individuals to discover or potentially face reality. Instances of this are found throughut writing. Two phenomenal case of this are Biff Loman from 'The Death Of A Salesman' and Tom Wingfield from 'The Glass Menagerie'. Sooner or later, the two of them need to confront and comprehend reality with regards to their lives. Biff is confronted with the untruths andâ ethics of society fixated on the degenerate variant of American Dream, particularly his dad, and his failure to seek after his own objectives and dreams. Tom is confronted with the tragic truth of life in his family and the craving to get away from it.  Biff Loman experienced childhood in a group of a sales rep. He had a sensibly cheerful youth, and an extraordinary school vocation. He was acceptable at American Football and won a football grant. His dad, Willy Loman, was in every case pleased with his child and consistently lauded him and put him above others. Tragically, Willy's life reasoning was destroyed by the defiled form of the American Dream. He accepted that the way to joy is cash and achievement and the an individual doesn't really needs to make a solid effort to accomplish it. Biff grew up with those thoughts and they impacted him a ton. Be that as it may, when he got his dad with another lady, the acknowledgment of the falsehood and debasement turned his life around. He no longer has confidence in his dad or the fantasy, and lives a... ...Sprout, Harold. Presentation. Tennessee Williams. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1987. 1-8. Killjoy, Alan S. American Drama and Its Critics. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1965]. pp. 218-239. Hayashi, Tetsumaro.â Arthur Miller Criticism.â Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1969. Toll, Eric P. 'Through Soundproof Glass': The Prison of Self Consciousness in The Glass Menagerie. Modern Drama, 36. December 1993. 529-537. Mill operator, Arthur.â Death of a Salesman.â New York: Viking, 1965. Williams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie. In Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing, fourth ed. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995. 1519-1568. Contrasting Truth in Death Of A Salesman and The Glass Menagerie Essay Looking for Truth in Death Of A Salesman and The Glass Menagerie   â â â Often society tries to defeat the craving of specific individuals to discover and additionally face reality. Instances of this are found throughut writing. Two superb case of this are Biff Loman from 'The Death Of A Salesman' and Tom Wingfield from 'The Glass Menagerie'. Eventually, the two of them need to confront and comprehend reality with regards to their lives. Biff is confronted with the untruths andâ ethics of society fixated on the degenerate adaptation of American Dream, particularly his dad, and his failure to seek after his own objectives and dreams. Tom is confronted with the tragic truth of life in his family and the longing to get away from it.  Biff Loman experienced childhood in a group of a sales rep. He had a sensibly glad adolescence, and an incredible school profession. He was acceptable at American Football and won a football grant. His dad, Willy Loman, was in every case extremely glad for his child and consistently lauded him and put him above others. Sadly, Willy's life theory was destroyed by the undermined adaptation of the American Dream. He accepted that the way to bliss is cash and achievement and the an individual doesn't really needs to endeavor to accomplish it. Biff grew up with those thoughts and they impacted him a great deal. Be that as it may, when he got his dad with another lady, the acknowledgment of the falsehood and defilement turned his life around. He no longer has faith in his dad or the fantasy, and lives a... ...Blossom, Harold. Presentation. Tennessee Williams. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1987. 1-8. Killjoy, Alan S. American Drama and Its Critics. Chicago, University of Chicago Press [1965]. pp. 218-239. Hayashi, Tetsumaro.â Arthur Miller Criticism.â Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1969. Duty, Eric P. 'Through Soundproof Glass': The Prison of Self Consciousness in The Glass Menagerie. Modern Drama, 36. December 1993. 529-537. Mill operator, Arthur.â Death of a Salesman.â New York: Viking, 1965. Williams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie. In Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing, fourth ed. Ed. Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995. 1519-1568.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
What Is Dissociation in Borderline Personality Disorder
What Is Dissociation in Borderline Personality Disorder BPD Print What Is Dissociation in Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)? By Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Eastern Connecticut State University. Learn about our editorial policy Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Updated on September 11, 2019 Caiaimage / Paul Bradbury/ Getty Images More in BPD Diagnosis Treatment Living With BPD Related Conditions In This Article Table of Contents Expand Symptoms Causes Treatment Dissociative Disorders View All Back To Top You may be surprised to learn that those times when you zone out, feel unreal, or when things around you look strange or unfamiliar can mean youre experiencing dissociation. This is a common occurrence for people with borderline personality disorder (BPD). In fact, around 75% to 80% of people with BDP experience stress-related dissociation.?? Though it can be difficult to understand, in broad terms, dissociation represents a disconnect between your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, perceptions, memories, and identity. Symptoms Dissociation during times of stress is one of the main symptoms of BPD. Its also associated with acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), both of which can co-occur with BPD. After years of study, researchers are now able to describe the experiences that go along with dissociation, such as:?? Depersonalization: This is a feeling of separation between yourself and your body. People who experience depersonalization may say that they feel like theyre observing their own body from the outside, or as if theyre in a dream.Derealization: Similar to depersonalization, derealization is a feeling of being detached from the external world, such as from other people or objects. It may cause familiar things to look strange, unreal, or unfamiliar. Derealization and depersonalization often occur at the same time.Amnesia: Some people who experience dissociation have periods of amnesia or losing time. They may have minutes to hours or days when they were awake but cant remember where they were or what they were doing.Identity confusion: This occurs when you experience an inner struggle about who you really are.Identity alteration: When you sense that you act like a different person some of the time, this is identity alteration. For instance, you may see things in your home that you dont recognize, perform a skill that you dont remember learning or others will say youre acting like a different person. Mild identity alteration is common in the general population; for instance, changing your name. The key is that it doesnt cause problems with everyday functioning or relationships. In other words, youre aware of your identity or role change. Moderate identity alteration is common in BPD and involves changes in mood or behavior that are not under your control. If you havent ever experienced dissociationâ€"and not everyone with BPD doesâ€"you may be puzzled by these descriptions. But even if you dont experience dissociation frequently or its not very severe, almost everyone has experienced mild forms of dissociation from time to time. Common examples of mild dissociation in everyday life are zoning outâ€"when you cant remember what you were thinking or doingâ€"while youre driving on a highway, causing you to miss your exit; daydreaming; and getting so caught up in a book or movie that youre unaware of anything else. Causes The exact cause of dissociation is unclear, but it often affects people who have experienced repetitive, overwhelming trauma, such as severe childhood abuse or neglect.?? Its your brains way of coping in order to separate yourself from the trauma so it becomes more bearable. If you learned to dissociate during times of extreme stress as a child, this likely affected the way your concept of yourself developed and it may have carried over into how you react to stressful situations as an adult. However, this sort of trauma doesnt necessarily cause dissociation to develop, nor do you have to have experienced it to have symptoms of dissociation. Preliminary research exploring neuroimaging in people with dissociative symptoms in BPD has shown that there may actually be changes in the way the brain functions and communicates that contribute to dissociation.?? Using imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) scans on people with dissociation and BPD, researchers have found evidence of decreased activity in the limbic temporal areas of the brain, increased activity in the frontal area of the brain, and changes in communication between the two areas. Further study in this area may help sort out which brain processes are related to which dissociative symptoms, as well as make psychotherapy even more targeted and beneficial for people who experience dissociation. Treatment Treatments for BPD such as dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) often include components that can help reduce dissociation. Usually, treatment for dissociation is based on building skills that help you to reconnect with yourself, the present moment, and your current surroundings. Grounding is one skill that can be used to reduce dissociation. Grounding exercises involve using external stimuli and your five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste) to reconnect with the present. For example, in a visual grounding exercise, youre instructed to observe small details about the environment around you until you are feeling more connected. Some people respond better to grounding exercises that use sensation. For instance, holding on to an ice cube for a few moments, chewing a piece of minty gum, or smelling a lemon can help to bring you back to the present moment. Dissociative Disorders There are some mental health disorders that include dissociation as a central feature rather than a symptom. For example, dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a disorder that is thought to be the result of very severe dissociation which causes a person to develop different personalities. The vast majority of people with dissociative identity disorder have experienced childhood abuse, such as physical and/or sexual abuse, and neglect.?? Besides dissociative identity disorder, the two other main dissociative orders according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)â€"the gold standard for diagnosing mental health conditionsâ€"include: Dissociative amnesiaDepersonalization/derealization disorder A Word From Verywell Stress-related dissociative symptoms occur in the majority of people with BPD. Even so, there is certainly a spectrum of severity, meaning some people with BPD experience minimal or mild symptoms of dissociation whereas others experience more severe symptoms. Research suggests that this severity may be linked to each individuals history of abuse and trauma. If you or a loved one is being treated for BPD with dissociative symptoms, or a dissociative disorder, therapy can be challenging and intense, as you or your loved one may have to remember past trauma. But if you stick with it, therapy can help you take back power over dissociative symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Character Analysis Of Horatio In Shakespeares Hamlet
In Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, Horatio is Hamlet’s confidant as he plots revenge against King Claudius, the murderer of King Hamlet. He listens to Hamlet’s secrets without revealing them to the other characters. He is essentially the keeper of all truth. Unlike the other characters, Horatio seems to be the only character that Hamlet could trust without fearing that he would betray him. He is known for his logic and sanity, which is the complete opposite of Hamlet’s impulsive behavior. Although subtle, Horatio’s personality traits allow the audience to understand Hamlet’s mind in depth. Due to this, Hamlet is comfortable giving Horatio awareness of his plans to avenge his father. Despite his minor role, his friendship with Hamlet reveals†¦show more content†¦Furthermore, The loyal Horatio swears to Hamlet as his close friend dies of poison, which indicates his deep friendship with Hamlet. As Horatio notices that Hamlet is about to die, he states, â€Å" Never believe it. / I am more an antique Roman than a Dane. / Here’s yet some liquor left†(V.2.323-325). Horatio does not want to continue living if his close friend dies. Moreover, he wants to commit suicide so that he can keep Hamlet’s secret of his insanity. If he dies, no one else would have the knowledge of Hamlet’s plan to kill his uncle. In Kenneth Branagh’s adaptation of Hamlet, the audience may notice that Horatio is holding the poisoned cup while Hamlet is on the ground, dying (Branagh). Horatio is having a difficult time accepting that Hamlet will die soon, and that he will no longer have a purpose of living if his friend dies. However, as soon as Horatio places the tip of the cup near his mouth, Hamlet urges him not to, causing Horatio to drop the poiso ned cup (Branagh). If Horatio did, then whoever arrives in the castle would not understand how everyone died. Therefore, the dying Hamlet wants Horatio to live so that he can tell the audience about Hamlet’s side of the story. Thus, Horatio ends up becoming the playwright of Hamlet. With his loyalty to Hamlet and his eyewitness account of the events that happened while Hamlet is alive, he is able to re-tell Fortinbras exactly how HamletShow MoreRelatedDifferent Types Of Friendship By Aristotle1178 Words  | 5 Pagesloyalty in Shakespeare’s masterpieces, especially in his tragedies. Various characters seem to be close friends with the main character in the beginning of plays but usually reveal their true opinions on them or disappear because of their lack of loyalty. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the characters spend a lot of time betraying one another for their own gain. Characters such as Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, Claudius, and Gertrude, are not loyal to Hamle t. The only exception would be Horatio, who is Hamlet s trustedRead MoreTwo Kinds Of Friendship By Aristotle1219 Words  | 5 Pagesloyalty in Shakespeare’s masterpieces, especially in his tragedies. Various characters seem to be close friends with the main character in the beginning of plays but usually reveal their true opinions on them or disappear because of their lack of loyalty. In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the characters spend a lot of time betraying one another for their own gain. Characters such as Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, Claudius, and Gertrude, are not loyal to Hamlet. The only exception would be Horatio, who is Hamlet s trustedRead MoreHamlet, By William Shakespeare Essay1453 Words  | 6 PagesHamlet by William Shakespeare explores many aspects of mankind--death, betrayal, love, and mourning. Out of these, the most prominent theme in this play is death in the form of suicide. 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With the exception of just one, the friendship of Hamlet and Horatio, all the relationships are dishonourable, dysfunctional and destinedRead More Psychoanalytic Analysis of Shakespeare?s Hamlet Essay1291 Words  | 6 Pages If one wants to truly understand the psychological implications of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the primary focus should be on the character Hamlet, and how he develops and modifies throughout the play. Using the fundamentals of the psychoanalytic perspective of critical evaluation, one would be able to truly identify and explore the true nature of Hamlet, and the effects that his character has on the situation surrounding him. In order to gain a true understanding of most of the detail that isRead MorePsychoanalytic Analysis of Shakespeares Hamlet1341 Words  | 6 PagesIf one wants to truly understand the psychologica l implications of William Shakespeares Hamlet, the primary focus should be on the character Hamlet, and how he develops and modifies throughout the play. Using the fundamentals of the psychoanalytic perspective of critical evaluation, one would be able to truly identify and explore the true nature of Hamlet, and the effects that his character has on the situation surrounding him. In order to gain a true understanding of most of the detail that isRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet1482 Words  | 6 PagesIn one of William Shakespeare’s most notorious plays, Hamlet, Shakespeare uses multiple scenes filled with drama to add a certain extreme dimension to the play. In a story filled with drama, such as Hamlet, an author attempts to use intense dialogue and actions in order to invoke personal emotions and feelings in the hearts of the audience. Shakespeare attempted to have the audience feel the pain that Hamlet experienced, sense the feelings of revenge that were deep in the heart of the prince, andRead MoreMental Issues In Hamlet900 Words  | 4 PagesThroughout William Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince Hamlet clearly has a lot of mental issues. Hamlet never seems to truly come back once he is set on his moral journey. He is originally devastated and depressed at the murder of his father, but his moral path is shifted when he encounters his father’s ghost. After that he turns on a path of vengeance against Claudius for murdering his father and wooing his mother. The other characters’ paranoia intertwine with Hamlet’s moral pathRead MoreHamlet: Decisive End, Indecisive Approach Essay742 Words  | 3 PagesIndecisive Approach In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the titular character struggles to engage in his desired plan of revenge. Hamlet shows throughout the play that he is inconsistent, indecisive, and unsure of himself, as well as his actions. The play focuses on Hamlet’s revenge; however, he continuously fails to happen at opportunistic moments. Throughout the play, Hamlet insists that he intends to avenge his father’s death through the murder of Claudius, but Hamlet fails to act on occasion because
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Bluest Eye - 1276 Words
Michael Williams Professor Henderson English 1B Sept. 28, 2011 The Males of The Bluest Eye Finding good qualities in any of the men of The Bluest Eye are hard to come by. There are many factors that come into play that have shaped the personalities of all of these males. The female characters in the novel endured a lot in coping with the males. Toni Morrison does an exceptional job of painting a vivid picture of the social climate of America in the 1960’s and society’s affects on the people of The Bluest Eye. In a variety of ways, the males of The Bluest Eye have many issues in their past that cause them to act very callous, immoral and bring a lot of anguish to those around them. Even though some of the males played†¦show more content†¦Cholly’s great aunt, Aunt Jimmy, saw her niece carrying a bumdle out of the back door and rescued him. Aunt Jimmy whipped his mother with a razor strap and would not let her near Cholly. Cholly’s mother ran off soon after she was beaten by Aunt Jimmy, never to be seen again. Aunt Jimmy raised Chol ly herself, but she took every opportunity to remind Cholly that she saved his life. Cholly attempted to find his father after Aunt Jimmy passed away. However, just like his father, Cholly was running away from a situation that he helped create. Cholly thought that he might have impregnated Darlene, the girl he shared his first sexual experience. â€Å"It had occurred to him that Darlene might be pregnant. It was a wildly irrational, completely uninformed idea, but the fear it produced was complete enough.†(Pg. 151) Cholly remembered Aunt Jimmy told him that his father ran off to Macon, Georgia before he was born. Off Cholly went to Macon to find his father. He was successful. But the encounter was not what Cholly had envisioned. Upon confronting his father, Cholly was faced with rejection. â€Å"Tell that bitch she get her money. Now, get the fuck outta my face.!†(pg. 156) These experiences and more are what ultimately led up to his most disturbing act against his own daughter. On a Saturday afternoon in the spring, Cholly comes home drunk and sees Pecola in the kitchen washing dishes. Upon seeingShow MoreRelatedThe Bluest Eye Analysis921 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The Bluest Eye†â€Å"The Bluest Eye†by Toni Morrison is a very complex story. While not being a novel of great length is very long on complexity. It tells the story of Pecola Breedlove, a young African American girl immersed in poverty and made â€Å"ugly†by the Society of the early 1940’s that defines beauty in terms of blonde haired white skinned , and in this case specifically Shirley Temple. The novel opens in the fall of 1941, just after the Great Depression, in Lorain, Ohio. Nine-year-old ClaudiaRead MoreEssay on Bluest eye1102 Words  | 5 Pages Toni Morrison’s novel, The Bluest Eye, presents the lives of several impoverished black families in the 1940’s in a rather unconventional and painful manner. Ms. Morrison leads the reader through the lives of select children and adults, describing a few powerful incidents, thoughts and experiences that lend insight into the motivation and. behavior of these characters. In a somewhat unconventional manner, the young lives of Pauline Williams Breedlove and Charles (Cholly) Breedlove are presentedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Bluest Eye 818 Words  | 4 PagesIn The Bluest Eye, Pecola the protagonist is taken under the Macteer family’s wing much like â€Å"The African family is community-based and the nurturing quality is not contained within the nuclear family, but is rather the responsibility of the entire community†(Ranstrà ¶m). In traditional Africa each child has a place and is welcome in the community. The act of parenting another child was not odd because every adult that lived in each community believed that any child is welcome in anyone’s home. ThisRead MoreEssay On The Bluest Eye1562 Words  | 7 PagesHowever, in the book, â€Å"The Bluest Eye†by Toni Morrison, they live up to their reputations for how they view themselves. Specifically, being focused on women like Pecola, and Claudia. They are often questioning their worth from society’s judgement of beauty. Though one character, Frieda embraces it despite being black. With having everything temporary, the desire of grasping and having something permanent increases. The women desires to be of a lighter skin tone with blue eyes, but will being privilegedRead MoreThe Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison1587 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"We were born to die and we die to live.†Toni Morrison correlates to Nelson’s quote in her Nobel Lecture of 1993, â€Å"We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives.†In Toni Morrison’s novel, The Bluest Eye, she uses language to examine the concepts of racism, lack of self-identity, gender roles, and socioeconomic hardships as they factor into a misinterpretation of the American Dream. Morrison illustrates problems that these issues provoke throughRead MoreThe Character of Cholly in The Bluest Eye1317 Words  | 6 Pages The Character of Cholly in The Bluest Eye nbsp; Morrison has divided her portrayal of a fictional town of blacks, which suffers from alienation and subjugation, into four seasons.nbsp; I believe that her underlying message is to illustrate the reality of lifes travails: the certain rhythms of blessings and tragedies.nbsp; Some blacks understand and acccept this philosophy and Morrisons use of the seasons portrays and echoes the bible verse, To every thing there is a season, andRead MoreThe Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison1598 Words  | 7 Pages in The Bluest Eye, racism has been approached in a very exceptional way. The characters in Morrison’s novel are subjected to adopt a set of values that are separated by the complexion of their skin. The black community in the novel has accepted white standards of beauty, judging Maureen’s light frail skin to be beautiful and that of Pecola’s dark skin to be ugly. These standards arise to Pecola’s desire to have â€Å"the bluest eyes.†. During the 1940’s, Toni Morrison’s novel The Bluest Eye examinesRead MoreThe Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison992 Words  | 4 PagesSet in the 1940s, during the Great Depression, the novel The Bluest Eye, by Toni Morrison, illustrates in the inner struggles of African-American criticism. The Breedloves, the family the story revolves around a poor, black and ugly family. They live in a two-room store front, which is open, showing that they have nothing. In the family there is a girl named Pecola Breedlove, she is a black and thinks that she is ugly because she is not white. Pecola’s father, Cholly Breedlove, goes through humiliatedRead MoreThe Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison1198 Words  | 5 PagesThe Bluest Eye In The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison brings to light the often unrecognized struggle that many people in the black community face. She exposes the â€Å"whitewashing†that has been prevalent in society for decades and the societal imposition of impossible beauty standards. Morrison uses the book to show us the psychological tolls on children and adults that stem from these unattainable goals. Children, like Pecola Breedlove, are so indoctrinated by society and the quest for superficial â€Å"perfection†Read MoreThe Bluest Eye By Toni Morrison2069 Words  | 9 Pagesblack/whiteness. Specifically, white people were positioned at the upper part of the hierarchy, whereas, African Americans were inferior. Consequently, white people were able to control and dictate to the standards of beauty. In her novel, ‘The Bluest Eye’, Toni Morrison draws upon symbolism, narrative voice, setting and ideals of the time to expose the effects these standards had on the differen t characters. With the juxtaposition of Claudia MacTeer and Pecola Breedlove, who naively conforms to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Pre Combustion Capture Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays
string(79) " secondary fuel supply makes the reformer even more efficient than the others\." Climate alteration is straight associated with increased atmospheric concentration of gases, and particularly of CO2 produced chiefly by fossil fuel burning. Therefore, accomplishing important decrease of CO2 emanations is pressing. Many different schemes need to be applied for this intent including the increased usage of renewable energy beginnings and atomic power, the betterment of energy transition efficiency and the usage of C gaining control and storage systems ( CCS ) . We will write a custom essay sample on The Pre Combustion Capture Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In planetary graduated table, energy production is extremely dependent of fossil fuels. Furthermore, the continuously increasing energy demand in combination with abundant and loosely distributed geographically coal, are factors that prohibit the decrease of conventional energy production ways. Therefore, CCS is the lone option to accomplish important CO2 emanations decreases. The C gaining control engineerings can be separated into three chief methods: pre-combustion gaining control, post-combustion gaining control and oxy-fuel burning. In this assignment, pre-combustion gaining control procedure will be examined. Basic Operation 2.1 Definition By definition, pre-combustion C gaining control refers to the remotion of C from fuel before its burning. Therefore, the burning generates zero CO2 emanations. This engineering can be applied in power workss which use hydrocarbon fuels in order to bring forth electricity. These fuels are coal, natural gas, oil but can besides be used in power workss which use non-hydrocarbon fuels such as biomass or waste. However, pre-combustion C gaining control engineering is more efficient and most developed for usage in Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle ( IGCC ) power workss utilizing coal fuel and in Natural Gas Combined Cycle power workss. Procedure The chief procedure can be divided into three stairss. Initially, the hydrocarbon fuel which is typically natural gas or coal ( oil or biomass ) is reformed or gasified severally into synthesis gas, known as syngas, incorporating H and CO. Then, the syngas is reacted with steam in a Water-Gas Shift reactor ( WGS ) and the C oxide is converted to carbon dioxide and produces more H2O. The resulted syngas after the transition of the C oxide is consisted of C dioxide and H2O and is known as shifted syngas. During the 3rd measure, CO2 is separated from H2 and the rich H gas is produced which can be combusted clearly in combined rhythm power workss. Separated CO2 is so compressed, stored and transported. Between the three basic stairss, described above, there is a figure of extra units for the optimal operation of the system. These units are gas cleaners and heat money changers. Depending on the fuel used, the place and the sort of these units may differ. Figure 1 depicts the basic units of a combined rhythm power works irrespective of the fuel used as input. The water-gas displacement reactor and the CO2 gaining control unit are the extra units used in an IGCC or a NGCC power works for C gaining control. Figure 1: CC power works with pre-combustion gaining control. Figure 2 depicts an IGCC power works with pre-combustion C gaining control. From this figure the extra units can be observed. These units are the Air separation Unit ( ASU ) , the atom and the S remover. All these units will be described exhaustively in the following subdivisions of this assignment. Pre-combustion Capture Process_Vattenfall.jpg Figure 2: IGCC power works with pre-combustion gaining control. The chief difference between the IGCC power works and the NGCC power works is that the IGCC uses a gasifier for the production of the syngas and the NGCC uses a gas reformist. 5 Reformer 5.1 Natural gas constituents In combined rhythm power workss which use natural gas as fuel, a gas reformist is used for the syngas production. At this point it is of import to be mentioned that natural gas is consisted chiefly of methane in a proportion about 94 % . Table 1 cites all the constituents that natural gas is consisted of and their proportion. Table 1: Natural gas constituents 5.2 Natural gas reformation Three different commercially available engineerings for natural gas reforming have been developed. Steam reforming ( SR ) , Non-catalytic partial oxidization reforming ( POX ) and Autothermal reforming. For the hereafter, reforming in a membrane reactor could be an option. 5.2.1 Steam Reforming In steam reforming, methane reacts with H2O ( steam ) ( 700 A ; deg ; C-1000 A ; deg ; C ) under 3-25 saloon force per unit area in a presence of a nickel-based accelerator to bring forth H and C monoxide. It is an endothermal reaction which frequently using a nickel-based accelerator. In order to avoid the taint of the accelerator, sulfur compounds from the natural gas demand to be removed before the reformation. The basic steam reforming chemical reactions are: Methane: CH4 + H2O ( +heat ) CO + 3H2 -?=-206kJ/mol Propane: C3H8+ 3 H2O ( +heat ) 3CO + 7H2 Ethyl alcohol: C2H5OH + H2O ( +heat ) 2CO + 4H2 The chief drawback of this reformist is that demand a secondary steam supply. 5.2.2 Non catalytic Power Oxidation ( POX ) Partial oxidization procedure relies on an exothermal reaction between natural gas and a limited sum of O. The merchandises of the reaction are chiefly carbon monoxide and H. The O can be supplied as pure O either signifier air or via a conveyance membrane. The basic chemical reactions are: Methane: CH4 + ?O2 CO + 2H2 ( +heat ) Propane: C3H8 + ?O2 3CO + 4H2 ( +heat ) Ethyl alcohol: C2H5OH + ?O2 2CO + 3H2 ( +heat ) Temperature of the reaction is about 1250-1400EsC. This engineering is much faster than steam reforming but increases the entire cost of the works significantly. However, it is a really simple system with small care required. 5.2.3 Autothermal Reforming ( ATR ) The reactor in the autothermal reactor is divided into two different zones, a burning and a thermic and catalytic zone. Oxygen reacts with methane and signifiers syngas. It is an exothermal reaction and the operating temperature is in about 850-110 EsC. CH4 + O2 – CO + 2H2O ( g ) -=519KJ/mol These reformer are more widespread and common used than the other two because of its flexible operation, its compact design, its low investing cost and its broad operating conditions. Furthermore, the fact that there is no demand of secondary fuel supply makes the reformer even more efficient than the others. You read "The Pre Combustion Capture Environmental Sciences Essay" in category "Essay examples" 5.3 Water Gas displacement reaction in NGCC power workss with pre-combustion milliliter. The Water gas displacement reactor is one of the most of import units of the pre-combustion C gaining control procedure and will be examined exhaustively in subdivision 5555. However it is really of import to be mentioned at this point that in NGCC power workss with pre-combustion C gaining control, the H2O gas displacement reactor take topographic point into the reformist. 7 Water Gas Shift reactor The H2O gas displacement reactor ( WGS ) is one of the most of import parts of the CO2 gaining control system in IGCC and NGCC power workss. It converts about all the CO in Syngas, into CO2 and H with an exothermal chemical reaction. The input of the WGS reactor is syngas and steam ( H2O ) . CO + H20 – CO2 + H2 ?H= -41.1kj/mol In general, the H2O gas displacement reaction occurs in an adiabatic system with the presence of a accelerator which accelerates the reaction rate. Several types of accelerators are commercially available but three of them are the most of import. These three accelerators can be divided into two classs: the clean displacement accelerators and the rancid displacement accelerators. Clean displacement accelerators: High temperature displacement accelerators Active constituent: Fe3O4 with Cr2O3 as stabilizer Operating temperature: 350 – 500 A ; deg ; C Sulphur content syngas lower than 100 ppm. Low-temperature displacement accelerators Active constituent: Cu supported by ZnO and Al2O3 Operating temperature: 185 – 275 A ; deg ; C Sulphur content syngas lower than 0.1 ppm. Sour displacement accelerators Active constituent: Sulphided Co and Mo Operating temperature: 250 – 500 A ; deg ; C Sulphur content syngas lower than 300ppm. In NGCC power workss with pre-combustion gaining control, clean displacement accelerators are used and the chief WGS operation takes topographic point into the reformist. IGCC power workss with pre-combustion gaining control usage either clean or rancid displacement accelerators but rancid accelerators are more widespread. In these workss, the WGS reactor is an independent unit. During shift reaction, the temperature rises and restricts the farther procedure. Therefore, the transition in a individual reactor is limited. This job can be solved by utilizing a two phase H2O displacement reaction. This reaction can be achieved with the combination of a high temperature and a low temperature displacement reactor operated in sequence. Consequently, in order to acquire a higher grade of transition of the CO to CO2, two reactors are favourable compared to a one-reactor apparatus. Between these two reactors, an inter-bed chilling is used in order to keep the temperature low in the 2nd reactor. The majority of C monoxide is converted to CO2 by the high-temperature accelerators and the procedure is fulfilled by the low temperature accelerators. Figure 2 depicts a High and Low temperature displacement reactor every bit good as the different temperatures for the different phases. Figure 2: High ( left ) and Low ( right ) temperature displacement reactors. Figure ten: WGS composed by two reactors. The WGS unit influences the entire efficiency of the power works. For standard design it is observed an efficiency loss about 3-4 % . The loss of efficiency caused by the WGS ‘ steam demands necessary for sufficiently high CO transition ratios. Sulfur Removal Unit Sulfur remotion is a critical portion in the pre-combustion C gaining control processes and it is used in both IGCC and NGCC power workss. Its chief operation is to take S from the input gas. Figure†¦ . Application in IGCC power workss with pre-combustion milliliter. Syngas produced by the gasification contains assorted drosss. Among these drosss, Ss have a large proportion. During gasification, S is chiefly converted to hydrogen sulphide ( H2S ) and to carbonyl sulphide ( COS ) in a proportion about 3-10 % . In IGCC power workss with pre-combustion C gaining control, in order to clean the gas from sulfur constituents, a Sulfur Removal unit is used which utilizes acid gas recovery processes ( AGR ) . These procedures can be either physical or chemical based and retrieve S either as sulphuric acid or as elemental S. However, AGR procedures are efficient merely when S is in H2S signifier, COS is highly hard to be removed in this manner. Therefore the sulfur remotion unit must be equipped with a COS hydrolysis unit ( before the AGR ) which catalytically converts COS to H2S. This units converts over 99 % of the of the COS to H2S with the chemical reaction presented below: COS + H2O – H2S + CO2 With the combination of these two units i.e. COS hydrolysis and AGR process the Sulfur remotion unit achieve about 99 % of sulfur recovery. In unit 7 it underlined that in IGCC power workss with pre-combustion milliliter the WGS reactor can be composed either of clean or rancid displacement accelerator. In instance of clean displacement accelerators, sulfur constituents must be removed from the syngas before the WGS reactor in order to avoid accelerator taint. Therefore, in this instance the S remotion demand to be placed before the WGS reactor as Figure 66 shows. Figure 66: WGS reactor with clean displacement accelerators In instance of rancid displacement accelerators, S is required in the provender gas. Therefore the sulfur remotion unit is placed after the WGS reactor. It is really of import to advert here, that in this instance the WGS reactor except from change overing CO to CO2, besides hydrolyses COS to H2S. Consequently, there is no demand of a separate COS hydrolysis system. Figure 67: WGS reactor with rancid displacement accelerators. In every instance, a gas ice chest is necessary to be used before the Sulfur remotion unit. Application in NGCC power workss with pre-combustion milliliter. In this instance, both the accelerators of the reformist and of the WGS reactor are clean displacement. Therefore, sulfur remotion is necessary to be placed before the gas reformist. Hence, in NGCC power workss, the input gas of the sulfur remotion unit is natural gas alternatively of syngas ( or shifted syngas ) which was in IGCC power workss. The first measure of the remotion procedure is the transition of sulfur compounds, such as COS and mercaptans, in the natural gas to gaseous H2S. This can be achieved by utilizing a catalytic hydrogenation. After the transition, the S is removed by fluxing of the natural gas through a bed of Zn oxide granules to organize solid Zn sulphide harmonizing to reaction H2S + ZnO ( s ) H2O ( g ) + ZnS ( s ) How to cite The Pre Combustion Capture Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Life Persuasive Essay Example For Students
Life Persuasive Essay A boy comes of age in an Italian-American neighborhood in the Bronx. His father gives him a piece of advice: Nothing is more tragic than a wasted talent. A street-corner gangster gives him another piece of advice: Nobody really cares. These pieces of advice seem contradictory, but the boy finds that they make a nice fit. The kid, whose name is Calogero but who is called C, idolizes Sonny. He likes the way Sonny exercises a quiet authority, and talks with his hands, and dresses well. When C is 17, he goes to work for Sonny, against his fathers wishes. And in the year when most of the film is set, he learns lessons that he will use all of his life. A Bronx Tale was written for the stage by Palminteri, who plays Sonny with a calm grace in the film, but was Calogero in real life. There have been a lot of movies about neighborhood Mafiosos (Martin Scorseses Goodfellas was the best), but this movie isnt like the others. It doesnt tell some dumb story about how the bus driver and the mobster have to shoot each other, or about how C is the hostage in a tug of war. Its about two men with some experience of life, who love this kid and want to help him out. Lorenzo, the bus driver, gives sound advice: You want to see a real hero? Look at a guy who gets up in the morning and goes off to work and supports his family. Thats heroism. But Sonny gives sound advice, too. One of the things he tells C is that you cannot live your life on the basis of what other people think you should do, because when the chips are down, nobody really cares. Youre giving them a power they dont really have. That sounds like deep thinking for a guy who hangs on the corner and runs a numbers racket, but Sonny, as played by Palminteri, is a complex, lonely character, who might have been a priest or a philosopher had not life called him to the vocation of neighborhood boss. Nine year-old Calogero (Francis Capra) is the streetwise son of Lorenzo Anello (Robert De Niro), a bus driver who takes pride in his work ethic and expects to instill the same values in his son. Calagero, however, is in awe of the local mob boss, Sonny (Chazz Palminteri), and when Calogero keeps his mouth shut after witnessing Sonny do a hit, the boy is taken under Sonnys wing and shown the ways of the wiseguys. Lorenzo cannot keep his son away from the influence of Sonny, much as he tries, and a battle of wills ensues, pulling Calogero in both directions until he decides to settle the matter himself by seeing Sonny on the sly and behaving the best he can with his family. As he reaches his teen years, Calogero (now played by Lillo Brancato who looks so much like De Niro its downright spooky) finds that Sonny has become a true friend and that his education is twofold both from school and from the streets. A young Italian American named Calogero (played by Lillo Brancato and Francis Capra), grows up in the Bronx, torn between the quiet honor of his father (Robert De Niro), and the authoritative aura of a neighborhood Mafia boss, Sonny (Chazz Palminteri). Both men care about the boy, but, against his fathers wishes, Calogero (nicknamed C) goes to work for Sonny. Calogero ends up participating in activities he wants no part of, but cannot refuse due to peer pressure. He falls for a black girl named Jane (Taral Hicks), during a period when racism against blacks is intense and violent, but he must find his own way in life.
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